Lust And Love. (Smut)

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"Let me make love to you, again?"

Y/n opened her eyes and let out a breathy groan.

"Yes please.." whispered her eyes painted in both love and lust.

That was all that he wanted to hear, without hesitation he leaned forward to lock their lips and kiss her passionately. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her as he passed his left arm under her waist to tug her closer to him and leave no space between them. Their skin tingled with each other's touch. He captured her bottom lip to suck and nibble on it slightly before breaking off their kiss letting her breathe. Her eyes shined under the light, giving her dark-inked orbs a majestic glow and her lips red and swollen from his constant abuse.

Abruptly standing on his knees, he took away the white material that hugged his body so perfectly and hurried to untuck the white silky blouse from her high-waisted pleated blue skirt and removed it off her. Having the perfect upper view of her body, with slightly fading bruises from before. Smiling he leaned toward her and gently kissed her lips before trailing wet kisses from the corner of her mouth to down to her neck.

Humming lightly as his wet soft lips caressed her smooth skin. As her pure innocent state infuriated him. Both of them became a mess between sloppy kisses and labored breathing, with their clothes discarded on the floor in no time. Both of them lying naked on the bed as they let out their feelings through kisses and caresses.

"Get up," he said through heavy breaths. Complying with his simple order, she sat on the bed as he sat at the head of the bed with his back leaning on the headboard.

"Come up here." he gestured to her to straddle him. She took her time to approach him, however as soon as she was a foot away from him he immediately pulled her to him. Kissing her ferociously. His hands rubbed her thighs until his fingertips moved dangerously close to her center.

"You move too slow.." he whispered. 

"No I don-" she moaned out as his thumb rubbed on the wetness of her lips until he finally rubbed circles on her clit. Her skin blazed and adrenaline rushed through her veins. The urge to lose herself came over as he gradually brought her to the peak as he placed gentle kisses over her chest. Her hips moved on his fingers, trying to bring herself close to an orgasm as the pace was too slow to her liking. A smirk crept on his face as he took in her features. A thin layer of sweat cover her as her cheeks and chest flushed up with her brows furrowed. As her back arched from the tension that was building on her lower abdomen, finding herself closer to her release.

 Her head dropped onto his shoulder had she held for support, as another finger entered her curling within her walls. the speed gradually rising as well as the movement of her lips. He trailed wet kisses on the exposed skin of her neck.

"My little needy Princess..." he whispered huskily to her ears. He felt her walls clenching around his fingers with her back arching. 

"Jung- guk-kook.." she whined until he suddenly stopped. Her eyes opened, with her jaw dropped as she looked at him who was smirking at her.

"Why-" before she could utter another word, she was laying again and him hovering over her as he eased himself to her core. Sinful moans slipped off their parted lips as she kept her legs around his waist as he thrust into her.

"God...I missed you so bad..." he moaned as he felt her clench in response.

She clung to him closely grinding her hips with his. Jungkook groaned put feeling the warmth and wetness of her heat clenching around him. He pulled out almost completely and thrust into her again. Y/n's eyes shot open as he reached deeper his time, his hand fondling her right breast as he morphed his mouth on her. He titled his head to the right, deepening his kiss as he thrust into her deeply.

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