Getting to Know II.

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"Jungkook!" Jimin ran at full speed at the boy who was walking on the walk. Hearing his name being called she turned around he turned making Jimin stop and bend down to hold his knees. Trying to catch his breath.

Looking at him in question, Jungkook took a few steps toward him. Jimin straightened up and smiled wide at him. "Found it."

Jungkook's eyes widened. "For real?" he questioned as walked to his hyung quickly.

"Yea. Let's go, I'll tell you." 

Jimin dragged him outside the building and started to talk.

"I went through some details from the registration office.."

"But how?"

Jimin ran his hand through his hair and wiggled his brows. Jungkook faked a gag.

"Flirt," he mumbled, causing Jimin to slap his head. "She's is only 5 years elder to me." he reasoned out causing Jungkook to shake his head.

"So what, you guys had a quickie? In here?"

"Ew! wtf! I agreed to take her on a friendly date." 

"She has fake boobs."

"True. But needed to get to the files didn't I? So as I was saying."

"There wasn't much than her address, phone number, and all that common shit...until I found this," he said handing his phone to Jungkook.

"Who's this?" he questioned looking at the girl's pic illuminated on the screen.

"This is Kim Sooyoung," he emphasized. "Child of Kim Sungho and Kim Aecha registered to our college according to new records."


"But the funny thing is that from four years back..." Jimin mumbled swiping the images. "KimSooyoung was the second child, whereas..."

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock.

"Kim Y/n was the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Kim to be registered to our college."

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