Reunion (AZULA)

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this is an azula imagine, so i'm very sorry if you were looking forward to a kuvira one. the next chapter will be a kuvira one shot, so be prepared for that!

also i just realized i've been writing y/n in third person- idk how that even happened. but i'm going to try and write it from a first person pov today.

let me know which style you prefer! —>


y/n POV

You were ridiculously excited to see them again. Zuko and Iroh. You had missed them terribly ever since Zuko was banished, and you were greatly looking forward to jokingly tease zuko about his scar, something you never got the chance to do. Or have one of your tea-chats with Iroh. You sighed as you remembered how you used to do those every sunday.

You had grown up at the palace, your father being an important advisor to the Firelord. It was no secret that the Firelord played favorites, and your family was lucky enough to be counted as one of them. Your rooms at the Palace also consisted of you spending time with Zuko and Azula. You had grown quite close to both of them, more so Zuko.

You never failed to notice Azula's soft spot for you, though. Like you were 10 and Azula 11 and Lo and Li had berated you for accidentally stepping on a flower in the garden. You had felt terrible of course, but could barely explain that it was an accident before Azula jumped in.

"What's happening?" She had asked, coming to stand near you, her arms crossed with her signature scowl on her face.

"Nothing, Your Highness." Started Lo, "We were simply punishing Miss y/l/n for stepping on a flower." Li finished. Lo gestured to the crumpled flower on the ground.

"It was an accident!" You blurted out, and Azula looked back up at you. "I didn't mean to, I swear! I'm sorry!" Azula had stared at you, her dark eyes staring deeply into yours, looking, searching, for something.

"She said she was sorry." Azula finally decided, turning back to the twins. "Let it go."

Lo and Li had looked unconvinced, but knew the Princess could ruin their positions at the Palace, and ultimately their lives, if they defied her. They nodded simultaneously before turning back and heading to the Palace.

You had let out a deep breath, relieved that this didn't escalate and get back to your parents. Or even the Firelord.

"Are- Are you alright?" Azula has asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"Yes, Princess, thank you."

"Call me Azula."

"Oh- okay, Azula."

She smiled at you. Not a smirk, but a smile. And from that day on, that smile was reserved for you and you only.

Now, you were 16 to Azula's 17, and had been together, romantically, for a little over a year.

"Hello, my love." Azula walked into your shared cabin, her already being up and ready, while you were still in bed.

"Mm- no, not- not yet please." You groaned before burying your face further into Azula's pillow.

"Come on," She said before pulling the covers off of you. You yelped in surprise and glared at her.

She smiled at you, the smile you had dubbed "my smile."

She sighed dramatically before laying onto the bed next to you, and pulling the covers back over the both of you.

You buried your face into her neck, and one of her arms automatically wrapped around your waist. She let out a satisfied sigh before tightening her hold on you. Pressing a small kiss onto the top of your head, she started talking, low, almost a whisper, into the top of your head.

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