Having A Crush On Him

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Jennifer was in the 5th grade at elementary school. She had her eyes on this boy, Todd. She thought he was so handsome. Her eyes never left him. Todd didn't notice her staring at him. It was now lunchtime, and Jennifer was in the cafeteria, in line, getting lunch. Hot dogs, and baked beans were on the menu, along with a carton of milk. She got her lunch tray, and her food. She sat down next to Todd.

"Hi, Todd!" she said, cheerfully.

"Hi, Jennifer," he said, drinking his milk.

"How ya doing?"

"I'm good, and yourself?"

"I'm good, too!" Jennifer ate her hot dog, and baked beans. "Want to play with me, during recess?"

"Sure, I don't see why not," said Todd.

"Yay!" exclaimed Jennifer.

It was now time for recess, and Jennifer ran after Todd, to the playground. "I'm gonna get you, Todd!" she called.

"You'll never catch me!" taunted Todd. "I'm a fast runner!"

Todd went on the tornado slide, with Jennifer, not too far behind.

"Whee!" exclaimed Jennifer. Todd, now headed for the swings. "Wait up, silly goose!"

Todd was now on the swings. Jennifer got on, and started swinging higher than Todd.

"It's such a gorgeous day, isn't it?" said Jennifer.

"Indeed!" said Todd.

"Todd, I have to tell you something," said Jennifer.

"What's that?" asked Todd.

"I have a crush on you!"


"Yes, I think you're such a handsome boy, and I love you very much!"

"Thanks so much! I love you too!"

Jennifer blew Todd a kiss, while they were still on the swings.

"Kiss received!" said Todd.

"Tee hee!" giggled Jennifer.

This story was written on Sunday, April 11th, 2021.

A/N This is such a sweet love story, between two 5th graders! ❤❤❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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