Love My Dead Alligator!

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Steven: Look out! An alligator!

sufiena1608: Steven, relax! He's dead!

Alligator: *dead*

Steven: Oh.

sufiena1608: Yup, he belongs to me! And, I love him so much!

Steven: How can you love a dead alligator? That's so stupid.

Me: It's not stupid at all! She just loves him! And, that's all that matters!

sufiena1608: Thanks, lovely!

Me: Of course, sweetie!

Steven: Never mind. I give up.

sufiena1608: Good.

This story was written on Monday, April 12th, 2021.

A/N Nothing wrong with loving a dead alligator! ❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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