Steven Hates Having To Pay For His Food

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At Burger King......

Steven: I would like 2 fish sandwiches, and a large Sprite, please.

BK Employee: $12.81, please.

Steven: Is it possible, if I can just get it for free?

BK Employee: No! You have to pay, sir! $12.81!

Steven: I want to get my food for free!

Girl: You heard what he said! $12.81!

Steven: Okay, here! *pays with a 20, and gets some change back*

BK Employee: Here is your food! Have a nice day!

Steven: Yeah, you too. I am sick and tired of having to pay for my food. Why can't it be free? *leaves Burger King with his food in a bag*

This story was written on Saturday, April 17th, 2021.

A/N You always have to pay for your food, Steven! Nothing is ever free! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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