Steven Just Doesn't Know When To Quit

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Steven: I just got word, that April isn't going anywhere.

Me: Steven, stop! Only three more days left!

Steven: April will not go away, anytime soon!

SkittishReflections: Yes, it will! May is almost here! It's fast approaching, as we speak!

Steven: But, April is my all time favorite month!

Carter: Why is that?

Steven: Cause, of Easter, I guess. And, that people have birthdays in April, like Kelly Clarkson.

SkittishReflections: Um, okay? I don't see how April birthdays are way better than anyone else's. You honestly love April, despite the weather acting bipolar, from time to time?

Steven: Well, um......

SkittishReflections: Ha! I got you stumped! May is a much better month!

Me: I agree!

Trevor: May will be an amazing month! Steven, you love April so much, there's always next year!

Steven: Yeah, I guess...

This story was written on Tuesday, April 27th, 2021.

A/N April will cone to an end, soon! There's nothing Steven can do about that! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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