xxv. STOP. rei's version

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if i could go back, there are many things that i would change about 'stop'. i've changed a lot personality wise since i started that story. so heres my version of it.

trigger warnings : r@pe, sexual assault, sofitz

mature. content.


The music blares in Sophie's ears, strobing lights making her head pound and the hard press of Fitz's body against her back is the only thing that keeps her standing.

"Can we go back to your place?" She shouts over the music, turning to face her boyfriend. "I'm kind of over this."

Of course, Fitz can't hear her well over the music, so he shouts, "What?!"

"I said," Sophie begins again, louder this time. "Can we go back to your place?"

"Oh, yeah sure!" Fitz begins to lead her through the sweaty throng of teenagers, many reeking of alcohol and smoke.

They have to call an uber to get back to Fitz's apartment, seeing as they are both much too drunk to drive.

Seated in the back of the car, as Fitz gives the driver directions, Sophie lays her head on his shoulder, fighting off a headache.

Fitz raises her knuckles to his lips and presses a soft kiss against them, "Everything okay?" He asks, because Fitz always makes sure she is okay.

"Just a headache, it'll pass soon." Sophie smiles as she lifts her head to kiss him gently. When she pulls away, he smiles at her, his hand tangles in her hair.

"I love you." They're close enough now that Sophie can feel his breath on her lips.

"Love you too."

Sophie lays her head back down on Fitz's shoulder, and he wraps his arm around her waist.

It's so different from when they had first started dating, all awkward glances and breathy laughs.

When they arrive at the Vacker residence, Sophie makes sure to text Dex that she will be staying over at Fitz's.

He responds quickly with a smirking emoji that makes Sophie blush.

You dirty whore. Sophie texts back, along with a barfing emoji.

I'm not the one sleeping over at my boyfriend's place tonight. He sends in a second message, But have fun. Along with a smiling emoji.

"Was that Dex?"

Sophie looks back up at Fitz, where he slurs together words on the bed.

"I like Dex." Fitz continues, "He is good to you. Good at making you smile. You're doing it right now."

Sophie blushes as she climbs into Fitz's bed, "He does make me happy. Like you."

He reaches out a hand to cup her cheek, his arm around her waist pulling her tighter. "You make me happy too."

He kisses her. He tastes like vodka and smells of sweat and alcohol.

The kiss turns hot quickly, making Sophie's heart leap in her chest. Fitz removes his shirt, placing one of Sophie's hands on the soft lines of his abs. The other reaches around his back to pull him close.

His lips stray to her jawline, and then to under her ear, her adam's apple, the neckline of her dress.

A strong hand finds it's way to her uper thigh, ever so gently pulling, up, up. . .

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