Chapter 8

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John Khan was holding the phone in one hand. "Yo, Henry, is the camera working yet?" He asked as he was standing in front of the camera.

"No, not yet! I'm still working on it." Henry notified as he checked the wires.

"How long are we gonna fix these cameras anyway?" John asked over the phone.

"Until it's fixed!" Henry snapped just as Doug walked in, whistling and snapping his fingers.

"Hey, Henry." Doug greeted while Henry was focused on cutting the damaged wires.

"Not now Doug, I'm busy." Henry had his pliers in one hand while he tried replacing the cable.

"Hey Doug, what's up?" John inquired over the phone which Henry left next to the toolbox.

"Sup John, how's it going with Abigail?" Douglas asked out of courtesy.

"Well, y'know it's going--"

"Nowhere!" Henry interjected while he cut off the circuit.

"DUDE!" John roared over the phone.

"I'm being honest with you, dude. She's not interested." Henry replied while he was checking the wires.

"That's enough guys, chill. I'll get the cameras working in no time." Douglas offered.

"No thanks, I got it covered." Henry stated as he was working, then he cut the wrong wire by mistake.

"Fine, if you wanna miss out on your date. I won't mind." Douglas smiled as he kept his hands in his pockets, as he was about to walk away, Henry had the toolbox in hand.


Doug still kept a smug smile on his face. "I knew you'd change your mind."

It only took a few of minutes to replace the wires and sealed the compartment.

"Is the camera working yet?" John asked for the umpteenth time.

"Yep, all fixed!" Doug declared.

"That was surprisingly fast. How did you--"

"Nothing that I couldn't fix." Doug stood up as he returned Henry's phone. "Here's your phone back dude."

"Uh, thanks."

"No problem, later dudes!" Doug raised a hand as he walked away.

"Later, Doug!" John hollered over the phone just as Douglas walked away with his hands in his pockets, whistling. "Henry, you still there?"

"What is it?" Henry said wryly.

"Let's take five and go eat some pizzas." John suggested while Henry's eyes narrowed at Doug.

"Sure, I'll see you there."

Nancy locked the door of her suite and walked out of the hallway as she put her shades on.

An old crochety woman passing by and when she bumped into the model, she shouted: "Watch where you're going!" The aged woman shook her cane angrily before she walked away grumbling, "Lousy teenagers with their fancy smartphones, crazy haircuts, revealing outfits and flashy accesories."

Nancy gave a curious side glance at the grouchy old woman before she resumed checking her webpage.

When the old woman entered her suite she saw her roommates carrying wrapped canvases. "What are you two doing?"

"We'll be at the art gallery..." Barbara started.
"...transporting the paintings in the art exhibit for an old friend of mine until it's placed in an art museum once we land." Marvin finished.

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