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When I parked my car outside of the clubhouse, my hands shook. I could barely put it into park, but when I finally did, I let go of the brake pedal and took a few deep breaths. My mind raced through all the different ways this night could go, not latching on to a single one of them as a new scenario kept entering my train of thought every other second..

I looked up, out of the windshield, to see him leaning on his motorcycle, sunglasses on, a light t-shirt under the leather jacket that was just tight enough that it accentuated the sculpted muscles under it in the best way... or maybe I was just driven by my stupid libido as I stared at him. His hair was styled for the occasion; it was the first time I'd seen it away from his face, and I liked it.

He took his sunglasses off as I opened the car door and stepped out. Just as I was about to open my mouth to say something, he opened his and said, "You look beautiful." The standard compliment a guy gives a girl when they meet for a date. That didn't mean I didn't appreciate it, though.

"Um, thank you," I stuttered, looking away from him to close the door of my car. I thought about saying something back, he did after all look very handsome, but it took too long to think of a suitable compliment. Instead, I asked, "Did you want to drive?"

My awkwardness would have bothered me more if he didn't seem to enjoy it, so I tried not to care. I tried not to be who I'd been the past months and let myself go, like I did at the warehouse. I had a suspicion it wouldn't be as effective without some alcohol, though, which was why I sort of wanted him to drive us wherever we were going.

He pushed himself off of the bike and walked over me to take my keys from my trembling hand, and in the process placing himself so close to me I could feel the warmth radiating off of him.


Maybe I should stay away from the alcohol; with just the two of us I wouldn't have anyone to take me home before I'd succumb to his devilishly good looks.. I looked up at him just in time to see his smirk appear, and he leaned closer. His breath brushed my ear as he whispered, "Definitely, I wouldn't want to end up in a wreck because you can't take your eyes off me."

Thank God for the early sunsets, because the already fiery light from the sun made it easier to hide my blush. He had a point, I thought, and let him take my keys.

"I'd prefer to take the motorcycle, if you're okay with that.."

I ripped my eyes off of him to look at the bike behind him. It was a little larger than Jesse's, with a matte, black color and shiny, silver accents. It looked pretty— although I'm not sure he'd appreciate that word. I then bit my lip and looked over at my rust-colored hatchback before I said, "Okay."

Without telling him my reasoning was that he wouldn't see my face behind him, and I'd get to hold onto his lovely torso.. He smiled at me and took my hand. "Nice."

I knew I said I'd never get on one of those again, but the thought of sitting behind him, holding onto his waist and pretend it was just to keep from falling made me want to. In addition to him not seeing my face, and avoid the inevitable awkward conversation in the car.

He walked backwards a few steps, staring into my eyes, before turning around and picking up a helmet from the steering of his bike. He handed it to me, reluctantly letting my hand go as I accepted it. He swung his leg over the bike, putting his sunglasses back on and putting his helmet on, even though I was pretty sure that would ruin his styled hair, but I guessed he didn't care. I was just happy he didn't think his hair was more important than safety— I'd already dated a few of those guys.

I put the helmet on and climbed up behind him, putting my arms around his waist as I did, and dared myself to say, "I bet this is why you wanted to take the bike."

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