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"Your breath stinks," I said, turning my face to get out of Vaughn's grip, but he held it firmly.

"Yours doesn't," he replied, smiling at me.

I tried to wiggle my arms free but they were stuck behind my back thanks to the other guy. "Hold still, bitch," he said behind me.

Helix took a step closer, his hands balling into fists. "Don't talk to her like that."

Vaughn chuckled. "Seems we've hit a nerve," he said, and let go of my face. He put his hands on his belt and opened it up.

"Don't you fucking dare or I swear to—"

"What, you'll kill me?" Vaughn had a wicked grin on his face as he said the words. Helix stumbled, but his eyes remained cold, angry. "Hold her mouth open, Frank," he said once his grin had disappeared.

The guy behind me kneeled with me and looped one arm around both mine behind my back. Then he put his hand on my jaw and pulled my mouth open. I met with Helix's eyes. They were still cold and angry, but something else flashed in them as I let the guy—Frank—open my mouth. He slipped his finger in, caressing my tongue while I felt his harsh breath by my ear. Vaughn turned towards me, opening his pants with a sleazy smile towards me.

Then I bit down on the finger.


And I didn't let go either, until he'd screamed for a few seconds and let go of my arms. I got to my feet and spat blood into Vaughn's face when he tried to grab me, and ran over to Helix, whose eyes had widened a bit. Then he laughed. "Oh, why was I even worried?" he asked, placing a kiss on my temple before turning his face towards Vaughn with a sneer, "You're worse than I am if you were seriously going to do that."

A whistle sounded behind me, and when I turned I saw Jesse saunter out of the house, his phone aimed at Vaughn and Frank in one hand, and something that looked like a car part in the other, with a grin plastered on his face. He stopped next to Helix, leaned his elbow on his shoulder and said, "You know, I caught that whole thing on my camera, with identifying traits, and I don't mind getting a month or two for breaking and entering if you guys get a few years for sexual assault." He sounded so casual, so... dark, compared to his usually chipper self. "Or, we could just forget the whole thing, I can hold onto this video, in case your Vultures try anything else in our shop."

I practically gaped at Jesse. I'd never seen him like that, even as a kid he was never close to manipulating anyone, not even if they had a toy he wanted, or a better lunch than him. I looked up at Helix, who had his usual smug smirk on his face as he looked at Vaughn and said, "Your call."

"Get the fuck out of here," Vaughn growled. "Now!"

Jesse chuckled happily and started walking over to where we stashed the bikes, while Helix held his arm around my shoulders and walked with me. It felt safer to have him between Vaughn and I as we walked past them, but I still sent him a victorious smile as he met my eyes.

When we got on the bikes and Jesse and Helix started the engines, Vaughn yelled something I couldn't hear at Frank, before kicking one of their motorcycles so it crashed onto the gravel. My arms wrapped around Helix's torso, and we were off, and I hoped that they would leave the Wolves alone now, with that video.


"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Helix looked me over time and time again as we stood outside the clubhouse, tilting my head and checking my hands.

I chuckled a little at how worried he was, but I shook my head, "No, he didn't hurt me, I'm fine. I can still taste blood, though.."

"That idiot, they're both idiots!" Jesse exclaimed, pacing back and forth next to us, his hands in his hair as he made sounds I didn't understand, before he stopped and looked at me, horror evident in his blue eyes. "I'm so sorry I filmed it, I—"

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