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The clubhouse was filled with people of all kinds, people like me— who looked like we didn't really belong— and people with the Wolves jackets or vests. It was a good mix, and even though I probably should have felt out of place, the reality was the other way around. The house was peaceful, happy, filled to the brim with acceptance and mutual respect as Clint invited everyone who could walk or crawl who wasn't friends with the Vultures after last week's incident at the Vulture clubhouse.

But... I liked it there. With the Wolves.

Even more so because I was laying on the couch, my head resting on Helix's chest as he laughed and told jokes with his friends. Now and then he'd peek down at me and raise his eyebrows in that seductive way he knew made my knees weak, or plant a soft kiss on my forehead, and I knew I could just stay in that moment forever.

The music was a little less loud than the other times it had been so crowded, which made it easier to stay downstairs with them all. I genuinely enjoyed myself in a house filled with brutes and engine-freaks— which were their own terms—, but most of all I enjoyed being with my boyfriend.

My boyfriend, Helix James, the big, bad wolf everyone ran from with a scar bigger than my hand across his face. I couldn't get over it. I'd been giddy and happy ever since we somehow came to that decision on our trip, and he seemed to enjoy it too. Well, he seemed to really enjoy that I was so flustered and happy around him, but I had a feeling he felt the same.

The front door suddenly shot open and Jesse walked in, arms up in the air like he'd won some sort of prize, before he grinned widely and pointed at Clint. "100 numbers, 100 weeks, I fucking did it!" His finger pointed at everyone else in the room, me included, with his blue eyes narrowed like a shield to fight off any bullshit that came his way that night.

The whole room bursted into cheers and claps, myself bumping up and down on Helix's chest as he clapped, then my ear started ringing when he whistled. I couldn't help but laugh at his boyish glee for his friend's... success? I still didn't know what it was about. I sat up and watched Helix go over to congratulate him, while I noticed Clint pulled out his wallet and a few bills that he handed to Jesse.

"That's impressive, Stevens," Clint remarked, tilting his head, "double or nothing, 100 more?"

Jesse arched a brow before sharing a look with Helix. Their eyes twinkled, almost like they were talking through telepathy, or had some sort of secret language using facial expressions. The next second Jesse handed the bills back to their boss and said, "You're on, old man."

The somewhat quiet night so far turned into a party; drinks were served, the music got louder and now and then there were drinking games. I kept my distance from those, not having a very good experience with them, but from watching I learned that Jesse once got arrested for public intoxication and his mom refused to pay his bail, so he spent the night in jail and got a huge fine. I also learned that Helix had a couple DUI's on his record— he looked at me as he said he was definitely finished with that part of his life— and he'd made out with a teacher in high school. Several of the others had done all those things as well, and more, and even though I said no repeatedly... I ended up joining for a round. "But only until my current drink is empty," I said, pointing at the can of beer in my hand.

Jordan started us off, looking around the room with a grin, and said, "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex."

It baffled me that that hadn't already been said in a previous round, but as I looked at how everyone had their eyes on me I realized they all knew who'd done it out of them, and wanted to know my secrets. So I lifted the can and took a sip. A handful others joined me— including Jesse—, and the turn went on to Max.

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