Chapter 5

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Hailey's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I picked it up and couldn't help but smile.

Good morning beautiful xx

Good morning babe

I can't wait to see you at work.

Neither can I. Are we telling people?

I don't think we should just yet.


I got out of bed and went into Eden's room. She was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her, but I had to get ready. I walked over to her slowly and rubbed her belly.

"Wake up baby girl." I cooed. She stirred slightly and smiled when she saw me.

"Mama." She said.

"Good job sweetheart." I said picking her up. I held her against my chest for a few minutes soaking up the moment.

"Let's go get breakfast." I said. I took her into the kitchen and gave her some chopped up bananas. I didn't really have the energy to make pancakes or anything like that so I got a tub of yoghurt out of the fridge. I sat down in front of her with a spoon. I tried to give her a bit of the yoghurt, but she wouldn't eat it.

"Well I know it's not because you don't like it. Raspberry yoghurt is your favourite." I said making a face. She stayed stubborn and wouldn't eat it.

"Do you want more fruit instead?" I asked. Of course she didn't reply. I got out some blueberries and raspberries and put them in front of her. She started eating them.

"You're a picky eater just like your mama aren't you?" I asked rhetorically.

She devoured the fruit I gave her then I got her dressed for the day. I got myself ready while she was playing. Once I had put my makeup on, I picked Eden up and we had a bit of cuddle time together. I like to do this every morning before I go to work. I kissed her cheek and I drove to Chloe's house. I dropped Eden off then headed to the district. I walked into the district and sat down at my desk. Adam, Kim and I were the only ones there.

"How come you're on time? That never happens." I said looking at Adam.

"I surprisingly didn't sleep through my alarm today." He replied and I smiled.

Everyone else started to join us. We didn't have a case so we just engaged in conversation. Jay and I kept stealing glances at each other. Voight was cleaning the whiteboard.

"Okay, I've got a question for everyone. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you as a cop? Like what was your worst injury?" Adam asked.

"Mine was when I was shot in the shoulder 3 years ago." Kim said.

"Mine was when I was kidnapped by Derek and his crew 2 years ago." Jay answered.

"I was hit by a car." Erin commented.

"I was shot twice in the chest." Kevin said.

"I was raped." I said and everyone turned to look at me shocked.

"What?" Hank asked. I couldn't look at him. I know we don't really have a normal father-daughter relationship, but he's still my dad.

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