Chapter 23

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Dr. Sato walked out of his favorite patients room with a sigh. Even though the leukemia was cured, Kuro's lungs are still cancerous and are functioning anywhere from 45-50% below average. His stomach is cancer free, but that just means something else is wrong with the organ. Kuro's mental health was also diminishing. The boy almost had a panic attack from just working himself up. He's having almost 30 seizures a day, even if he doesn't notice them himself. A young teen should worry about grades, college, and living life to the fullest, not worrying about treatment and cancer and if he will even make it through this. Kuro's like a son to him and he'll be damned if the boys friends and family caused the boy so much stress for no reason.

He rubbed his face with the balls of his wrists and looked off to his right, where Kuro's friends and family are sitting, moping. Huffing, he marched over to them and rested his fists on his hips.

"You've done it now. What makes you think you have any right as to make his health care choices for him. Shurui left him in charge of his own health for a reason. Because it's his body and his care, he should be able to decide what he wants. Do you understand? You. Have. No. Right."

He huffs again and walks away from the flabbergasted teens, grabbing an EEG chart from the receptionist, smiling at him in thanks. He walks back to the littlest Hitachiins room, opening the door quietly. He smiles at the sight of the boy sleeping peacefully. He shuts the door softly and walks over to the chair next to Kuro. He sits and starts writing down how many seizures he's having after reading the heightened squiggles on the machine monitor. He notes that he's already had 10 seizures just this morning.

After a few minutes of this he stops and just gazes at the young boy, watching for any discomfort. He then goes over and checks his oxygen levels and the pain medication. He notes them down on Kuro's vital chart and medicine chart respectively. He grabs the boys compression socks and is about to put them on the boy when he hears a knock at the door. He lays the socks next to the boys feet, and goes over and opens the door a crack.

"What do you need? The patient is asleep," He asks the club members who were each holding a bouquet or stuffed animal. They all had sheepish expressions on their faces, keeping silent until Hani spoke up.

"Sir, would you mind putting these next to Kuro's bed? We would really appreciate it. Please tell him we're sorry, for everything. We didn't mean to hurt his feelings."

Sato nodded, smiling down at the short teen, and grabbed all of the gifts they had bought for Kuro.

"I will see to it that he'll receive them. However, I think it's best if you leave. Mr. Hitachiin was on the verge of a panic attack after you left, to the point of hyperventilating. I understand you're guilt, but he needs to rest. He's lightly sedated right now to keep his stress levels down, because the near panic attack has exacerbated his conditions. High stress levels can also trigger seizures and/or make them worse than they already are."

The hosts looked downtrodden, but relented and left. They were all so guilty for hurting their friend or triplet like that. They should've known better. They all sat in Kyoya's limo in silence. Kaoru was cuddled up to Hikaru, silently crying. Hikaru was disassociating. Haruhi was reading a book about epilepsy. Kyoya was doing taxes. Tamaki was in his corner of woe, mumbling to himself. Hani was hugging Usa-chan tightly to his chest while pouting adorably. And Mori was staring out the window, his jaw set and fists clenched. They were all deeply affected from being told about Kuro's condition. They wanted to pretend that it wasn't there and that Kuro is just any other teenager, but they now realised that they couldn't.

Kuro is so incredible and incredibly sick.

Time Skip

Hikaru, Haruhi, and Kaoru were all sitting in class, the teacher taking roll.

"Fujioka, Haruhi?"

Haruhi raised her hand numbly, putting back down when the teacher acknowledged her.

"Hitachiin Triplets?" (A/N: Roll credits!!) (Ps. The first person to comment what that reference is from, they get a prize. Seriously.)

Hikaru and Kaoru raised their hands miserably.

"Oh, is Kuro still out? Please tell him we hope he feels better soon," The teacher said empathetically, looking at the depressed boys.

They both nodded, mumbling 'sure' in sync.

The teacher smiled then went back to calling roll. After they finished, they instructed the class to write a two page paper on any topic they wanted as long as it's school appropriate. It could be a narrative or an essay, prose or poetry. It didn't matter as long as they finish by tomorrow. (A/N: who else would love this homework?....Just me? ... Oh) Everyone immediately started on the assignment, not wanting homework. Hikaru wrote some slam poetry to get out all of his negative feelings while Kaoru chose to write a song to sing to Kuro with Hikaru. Haruhi, on the other hand, decided to write an argumentative essay on whether or not minors should have control over their medical care. I mean, she's planning to be a lawyer, she needs some feedback on whether or not she can argue well. They all wrote and wrote for the entire period, and even into the next few and lunch. By the time they were done, they were achy, sore, and tired. Their hands were stiff and crampy, their eyes burning from staring at the white paper and gray pencil too long, and their backs sore from hunching over their papers. Despite all of this, they were extremely happy.

They could all see Kuro again.

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