Chapter 21: Part 2

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Third Person P.O.V.

Hikaru wasted no time getting up and running to find their father, Shurui, the only one who wasn't delusional about Kuro's sickness.

He hurried into the living room, where his parents and grandparents were talking, and slammed the door open, stopping all conversation.

"Father!!" Hikaru shouted, "Come quick! Something's wrong with Kuro!!"

In an instant, Shurui was off the couch and pacing down the hallway in long strides, desperate to get to his youngest son.

Hikaru strode beside him, trying to explain what happened.

"W-we were just o-outside! We were drawing in the s-snow when he s-started c-coughing. W-we saw the bl-blood and t-tried to c-comfort him like a-always! Th-then he started p-puking up b-b-blood!!" He cried desperately.

Shurui nodded briskly in understanding, trying to comfort his oldest while walking faster to get to his ill youngest.

"It's alright, Hikaru. I'm sure Kuro will be fine; we just need to get him to the hospital quickly."

Hikaru nodded in understanding and started going faster. The pair eventually made it outside and to the snow-covered cherry tree.

There, they see a horrifying sight.

Kaoru was on the ground, holding Kuro as he started to struggle with his breathing.

There was dark red blood surrounding them, the blood speckling the snow, tainting the pure substance.

Blood was trailing out of Kuro's mouth and nose, carving deep crimson rivers into his pallid skin, his dark glasses slightly askew.

Shurui wasted no time, scrambling over to his youngest and putting his head on his lap as soon as he sat down. He wiped the hair away from Kuro's face and calmly stroked the boy's head.

"Hikaru, I need you to go inside and call 119. Tell them what's going on and give them our address."

Hikaru nodded and ran back into the house to do as told.

Kuro started coughing up more blood, gasping as he couldn't get any air into his lungs.

Kaoru and his father were calmly whispering sweet nothings to him while simultaneously trying to keep him awake.

Hikaru came running outside again, skidding to a stop next to Shurui and squatted down.

"They said they would be here in less than five minutes," He gasped out.

Shurui nodded and they turned their attention back onto the youngest boy, who was on the verge of passing out from lack of oxygen.

"Kuro, I need you to stay awake for me, Baby. Don't fall asleep, okay, Baby?"

Said boy slightly nodded, trying desperately to keep his eyes open.

The sound of ambulance sirens came into range and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The ambulance tires screeched as they came to a halt and the sound of doors slamming was heard soon after.

"Over Here!!!" Shurui screamed out.

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