Chapter 24

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Kuro was lying in bed, reading a book, when a nurse walked in with an empty wheelchair. Confused, he slowly closed his book and set it down on his side table.

“What’s that for?”

The nurse smiled brightly and told him that he is allowed to be outside of his room for a few hours each day now.

Kuro lit up in excitement and was jumping slightly as the nurse took off all of his unnecessary medical devices and put the necessary ones on the attachment on the back of the wheelchair. The nurse helped him stand and settle in his wheelchair, covering his stick-thin legs and lower torso with a fleece blanket that Kuro brought from home. He put his mask on and looked up at the nurse.

“I’m ready,” he smiled.

The nurse smiled back and started pushing him towards the teen’s rec room. It was almost all glass, with a perfect view of the garden on the grounds, helping sick teens feel like they are outside without actually being there. There was a small library with comfy lounge seats on one side and a TV with games on it and a large couch on the other side. There was only one other teen in the room. They looked rather tall and had short, light brown hair. They were drawing on a tablet and facing towards the garden, away from the entrance.

The nurse spoke up, “Sean, meet Kuro. Be nice and gentle, okay? He’s very sick,” the nurse stressed.

Sean looked over with their blue green eyes searching up and down to assess Kuro and his condition. They smiled at him and then made eye contact with the nurse.

“Don’t worry, Nurse Akihito, I’ll take good care of them,” Sean said shyly. 

Akihito nodded and rolled Kuro to where Sean was sitting, both of them looking away from each other shyly.

After a few minutes of silence, Sean spoke up.

“So, what are you here for?”

Kuro, looks up, startled. He clears his throat and then starts talking, “I’m here for my cancer and seizures. What about you?”

“Oh, ummm, I'm here for a surgery on my knee for the second time. Apparently, it's serious, but no one will tell me what it is because I’m a minor and my parents don’t want me to know.”

Kuro gasped, “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

There was a few minutes of silence before Kuro asked Sean a question.

“What are your pronouns?”

Hours later, Kuro was back in his bed, reading his book with a smile on his face. His brothers walked in with the rest of the Host Club. He looked up at them, and smiled.


Hikaru was confused, wasn't he mad at them? He cleared his throat and asked just that.

“Oh! I met a really wonderful person today! They were so nice! They even drew a picture of me to keep! They put me in a good mood, so I don’t want to be mad right now, so I won’t. Can we cuddle please, Hika, Kao? I liked your gifts too!” Kuro was like an excitable puppy when he spoke, really fast and barely making sense.

Kaoru and Hikaru both looked at each other and grinned before cuddling their youngest sibling to their heart's content.

After a half hour of comfortable silence, Hikaru and Kaoru spoke together in unison. 

“We understand why you want the dog and IV, and we completely support any decision you make on your health. We just wanted to give you our opinions on what you should do so you don't feel as overwhelmed, but it went too far. And for that, we are deeply sorry.”

Kuro smiled, “It’s okay, I forgive you.”

This chapter is dedicated to _bakafan. Also I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in over a year. My motivation to finish this story is slowly dwindling away, but I will try and force myself to give this story the ending it deserves. Thank you for understanding!

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