Chapter 21: Part 4

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Third Person P. O. V.

"Yes, Kaoru?"

"C-can I go with him? I've been n-next to him the w-whole t-t-time and I n-need to kn-know that h-he's g-going to b-be o-o-okay."

"Okay, Kaoru, go. Look after your little brother for me, yeah? Hikaru and I are right behind you guys."

Kaoru nodded and ran to catch up with the ambulance officers and his brother.

Hikaru and Shurui ran quickly through the snow and to their frost-covered, light grey SUV. They both get in the front seats with the seat warmers on and sped off, following the ambulance in front of them.

They get there in record time, less than three minutes.

They saw Kuro being wheeled out, with Kaoru trailing behind them. The boy looked slightly pale and was shaking a bit.

Hikaru came over and stood in front of his younger brother, putting his hands on his brothers shoulders.

"What happened, Otouto-kun?"

"Th-they stuck s-so many th-things in h-him, Onii-s-sama!! I-it-it was h-horrible! E-every time they d-did it, h-he wh-wh-whimp-whimpered! He w-wasn't br-breathing on his o-own so they put this b-big mask on h-him and started b-breathing f-f-for him-m!

He w-woke up f-for about th-thirty se-seconds though s-so he'll b-be fi-fine, r-right, H-hika-kun-n?"

"Y-yeah, he'll be okay. Let's just go inside where Dad is, it's really cold out."

Kaoru nodded and Hikaru wrapped his arm around his younger siblings shoulders and gently led him inside the building.

There, they were greeted with warmth, the smell of antiseptic, and their slightly hysterical father.

They ran up to him and grabbed his hands that he was wringing together and held them gently.

"Dad! Kuro is going to be alright! The doctors will help him, I know it!"

"He's right you know," came a voice from behind the small family.

They turned and were met with the face of a kind-hearted doctor.

"I'm Dr. Sato and I'll be with your son during his stay here.

He's currently being wheeled to the ICU and being hooked up to a few machines to monitor his heart, blood pressure, and his brain activity.

He had a minor seizure a few minutes ago but it was stopped quickly with medication.

He's also going to be hooked up to an IV and he's currently being intubated. He is unable to breathe on his own at the moment so that is why we are doing this. His need for it should diminish over time, but he will most likely need to be on oxygen from now on.

I also wanted to tell you that Kuro won't be able to come home. He is very, very ill and he needs to be under constant supervision because of his condition.

I've taken the liberty of giving you free passes so you guys can visit him whenever you want and can also spend the night since he is now a resident. We are about to start him on his first round of chemotherapy and then stem cells after, as well.

His mother told us to not give him treatment but you, Mr. Hitachiin, have explained that he can and will receive treatment.

I will come talk to you again as soon as we get him in a more stable condition, then you can come see him. For now, please sit in the waiting area or help yourselves to the food in the cafeteria."

The man walked away briskly, disappearing behind the automatic hospital doors.

The three sat down at the closest two chairs, Kaoru sitting in Hikaru's lap, curled up like a small child that was frightened.

They sat there for three hours before Dr. Sato showed up again. They stood up as soon as they saw him, waiting for the news about their youngest family member.

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