|Chapter 1|

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Harry is 16 and cedric is 17.
They are both still at Hogwarts.
Oh and they are best friends

Cedric's pov:

Me and harry are best friends for almost 3 years.But the last one year i have weird feelings about him...I think i am in love.

But how can i be sure?I mean we are best friends,which means we are very close...but i get like butterflies in my stomach when we are together and i can't explain how i exactly feel about him...but the feeling is amazing.

Right now,i am in my dorm.It is really early in the morning but i woke up because of a nightmare and i couldn't fall back to sleep.It is Saturday today and what do we do on Saturdays?We go to Hogsmeade!This is what i was going to do today aswell.I will probably go with harry but i am not sure about it yet.

I will find him at breakfast to ask him if he wants...just to be sure.

I looked over to the clock and i saw it was 7:35 so i decided to get ready.I got up and went to take a shower.

After a while i came out of there and i saw that ernie and matthew were up.

"Good morning" i said while dressing up.

"Morning" ernie answered and hid under the blankets again

"Someones getting ready for a date with potter huh?" Matthew started teasing me

"Oh shut u- wait...what?How tf do u know i like him?" I asked him

"So you do like him!"He shouted happily

"Yeah...but...how do u know?"

"I didn't...Hannah told me what she thought about you and harry meetung every day"

"Yeah i do like him...but there is nothing going between us...and will never be" i said and sighed

"Oh calm down mate!Why wont it be anything between you?"

"Oh come on matthew don't be stupid!We are talking about the boy who lived!The pretty boy potter!He is rich,the most famous and one of the strongest wizards...and well i am just a bloke that has a crush on him"

"Oh come on ced!Where is your confidence.You are already his friend and as we all know,Harry's friends mean a lot to him!" Ernie said

"Yeah and this is what i always be...just a friend of his"

"Stop being a drama queen diggory,i think he likes you too!" Matthew said

"Shut up matthew,your opinion doesn't matter.You thought hermione was a boy" i said and rolled my eyes.

"Ron did aswell!" He answered

"Well i didn't ask about ron!"

"Ok calm down becaude you are going to argue" a boyish voice said and i turned around and saw that justin was awake

"He is right,let's get ready so we can go to eat breakfast!" Ernie said and with that they all went to dress up

"I am going to wait in the common room" i said and went down the stairs to the common room.Where hannah was.

"What happened in there?Why were y'all shouting?" She asked me

"Oh its nothing"

"I heard something about potter from matthew"

"Oh come on hannah.I know you know what we were saying"

"I maybe know but i want you to say it"

"Ok fine, i like him!"

"Knew it!"

"Dont say anything to anyone"

"I wont ced.You know i won't"

And then the boys came down the stairs.

"Lets go to the great hall" justin said and the 5 of us left.


At the great hall

I was sittiing there eating breakfast and talking with the hufflepuffs like always.But this time i wasn't exactly paying attention to what they were saying because i was thinking of him.Yeah i was thinking of harry and how perfect he is.

How perfect his body is,his green-emerald eyes,his glasses that make him even cuter,his black hair oh this must be so soft and his personality..he has the most amazing personality.

"Cedric look who came" ernie said and i turned around and saw harry.Omg he is so pretty.

"Go and ask him out" hannah whispered

"Hannah is not that easy you know" i said

"Oh shut up just go and do it" she said and pushed me

"Ok ok i am going" i said and went to the gryffindor table.

"Uhm hey harry can i talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah sure" he got up and we wsnt out of the great hall

"Um well...i was thinking...if you want to go to hogsmeade with me?" I asked waiting for a positive answer.

His smile faded.This wasn't good.

"I am sorry ced but i have already said yes to the twins,ron and mione" he said

This hurt."its okay i will see you later" i said and went back in the great hall.

Of course he would go with them.With hermione and ron and don't forget the twins.Especially fred.Like c'mon harry are you blind?This ginger head has a crush on you.And you are gonna go out with him?I mean he is better than me anyways.No he is not.Am i jealous?Oh my god...

Harry's Pov:

Fuck!Why did i say no to cedric!He is supposed to be a very good friend of mine and i said no.He seemed so sad when i rejected him.I have to do something.Maybe say no to the others and go to hogmeade with cedric would be a good idea..He deserves it.

Heyyy!I dont even know why i am writing this story but i am.Probably because i love hedric!Tell me what you think in the comments.Love u <3

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