|Chapter 3|

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3rd Persons pov:

After a while cedric went out of the gryffindort tower to wait for harry.He sat there and waited for 5 minutes,when harry came out.He stood up and went to him.

"Hey harry"

"Hey ced"

They didn't say anything more.They just left from there.When they were out of the school they started talking.

"Where do u wanna go?" Cedric asked the gryffindor

"Um..i don't know..maybe the three broomsticks?"

"Yeah sure"

And with that they went in and sat down.Harry was ready to talk when a man came to take their order.

"What do the two young men want?" He asked

"I will take a butterbeer" harry answered

"I will take a butterbeer aswell"

"Ok they will be there in a minute"

After a while the butterbeers came and they started talking and drinking.It was after an hour  when   a group of people came in.It was luna,hermione,ron,hannah,matthew and ernie.The group went closer to the two boys while talking.

"Hey!We have been searching you for 20 minutes!" Hermione said

"Why?" Harry asked

"We had the idea to play have a muggle day today" replied hannah

"Muggle day?" Asked a confused cedric

"I will explain" answered hermione

"go on" a curious harry said

"Ok we named it a muggle day because we are gonna to muggle things.We have permission from the proffesors to leave if we want because we asked to and we thought of going to the muggle world,go to the cinema,i will explain later what this is,play muggle games,go shopping to the mughle shops and we can eat and spend the day there" hermione said excited

"I mean...it would be cool" harry said smiling and everyone turned to cedric

"Yeah it sounds good" Cedric said

"Ok lets go everyone we have to do a lot of stuff and discover a lot of things" ron said

Cedric and harry got up and everyone got out of there.They travelled with floo powder and traveled to london.

"We are here" hermione said

"Where are we?" Matthew said

"Good question,welcome to london"

"Lets go" ron said " wait where are we going first"

"Lets go to the cinema!!" Hermione screamed

"What is that?" Ron said

"Such a pureblood that lived all his life to the wizarding world" hermione replied and ron was ready to start an argument but harry interrupted him

"It is a place where muggles go and watch movies,i thimk u know what this is"

"Yeah i do"

"Ok lets goo" hannah said happily

They arrived to a cinema and got in there.

"Wow this place is huge!" Ron said

"Yes it is" ernie agreed

They picked a movie and went in a room.

"Does it have spiders?Its too dark i can't see" Ron said scared

"No ronald its safe from spiders" hermione said while laughing with the others

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