|Chapter 4|

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Cedric's pov:

I woke up and it was almost 5 a.m.I looked down and i realized i was cuddling with harry all night.I remembered what happened yesterday and out muggle day with the others but i have forgotten that i fell asleep with harry freaking potter.
I mean look at him.He is so cute and hot the same time.His messy hair as he sleeps,his green eyes on the sunlight when he is awake,his muscular body,his cute glasses that make him look even more cute,and his style,but the best of all is his personallity.This was the best week of my life.We won against slytherin at quidditch,we went out,we spend our saturday as a muggle day,and what made everything better was the thing tgat i just slept with harry.Something that doesn't help with my happiness tho is my father.I don't know how he is gonna react if he learns that his only son is gay,but i still have to tell him.I can't keep it a secret and veing in a relationship with people without him knowing anything.He always asks me if i have a girlfriend in the summer when i am home.But how am i gonna tell him?I was thiking to tell him at summer break because it is on 10 days but i am not sure if he will take it good.Then harry woke up...

3rd Person pov:

"Hmm"harry let out a sound like a soft moan when he woke up and felt warm like someone was hugging him.
And it was.Someone was hugging him.It was someone taller,someone very warm and soft,that was hugging harry with care and love,and harry felt like he was at home for the first time in his life.

Cedric looked down at harry and smiled.The younger boy hadn't pulled away yet and cedric loved it.He wanted to stay there for the rest of his life, higging with harry,with the boy he likes 3 years now but he never had the chance of doing something.

Harry looked up and he was shocked when he realized he was at Cedrics arms.He remembered everything so he looked around to see if there is anyone else in the room and then back to cedric.

"Ced i am sorry i didn't mean to fall asleep-" he said but Cedric interrupted him

"There is nothing for you to aplogize harry"


"Shhh" cedric said and looked down to the younger boy.

Cedrics pov:

I looked at him.This boys face,the boys that stole my heart.I can't hold myself,i wanna kiss him so bad,i cant even explain it.

And then i did it.I kissed him.He was shocked at first but then...then he kissed back and made my whole day even better.

After a while he pulled back for air and i smiled.He blushed and smiled back.

Now or never i said to myself and asked what i wanted to ask 3 years now.

"Harry do you want to be my boyfriend?"

"Really!?" He asked

"Yeah harry..if you are gonna reject me just dont hate me after-"

"I'd love to be your boyfriend ced" he said and kissed me again.

This chapter was how they got together but the story will continue.I will upload the next chapers today or tommorow but i dont know yet. :)

*btw sorry for the short chapter*

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