|Chapter 5|

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This is the last chapter,i wasn't planning to finish this story with only 5 chapters but i don't have ideas.<3

Cedric and harry were together for almost 3 years,they were going on dates,buying each other presents, they weren't arguing that much even if they were both jealous the most of the time,but still their relationship was amazing so they decided to tell their parents and some other people about it.They had decided to go to Cedric's father first,so they went to amos' house.

3rd person pov:

Amos was sitting alone in his house,drinking his morning coffe while taching tv when he heard a knock on the door.He stood up and opened the door.He was shocked,it was harry potter,the boy who lived and his son...but they were holding hands?

"Come in" he said and the two boys went in and sat on a sofa.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" Amos asked nervously,because harry potter was in his house.

"No thanks" harry said and smiled to the man

"No father,but it would be good if you came to sit down because we have to talk" said cedric

"Well what about?" Amos said and sat on another sofa

"Me...and harry are together" cedric said

Amos looked at his son.He didn't have a problem with them,now he understood why Cedric was so happy the most of the time.

"I am happy about you!" He said happily

"Don't you have a problem because i am gay" cedric said

"Oh of course not cedric,its who you love and i am so proud of you coming out to me" amos said and cedric hugged him because he was happy that his father didn't see him differently

"Oh and you mr.p- harry take care of him!" Amos said and Cedric laughed

"I will sir,i will" harry said and then he and cedric stood up

"Sorry dad but we still have to go to sirius and remus,you are not the only one that learns taht we are together today" said cedric

"Well goodbye then" amos said and smiled to the two boys while they went out of the house

Cedric's pov:

Ahhh i don't wanna go to Sirius and remus because i know they won't like me.Like look at them,they live in a huge house,they are pretty popular,and one of them is my old proffesor...Harry said they would like me but i don't believe the same..they are popular and rich,and i am just a regular boy..

"Harry" i said

"Yeah babe?"

"I don't think they will like him,ya'll are rich and popular and i am just a boy,and one of them is my old teacher...and the other one is your godfather that probably wants you to find a girl and get married with her"

"Oh gosh cedric,i wasn't planning on telling you now but did u ever thought of why they live in the same house?"


"Because remus and sirius are both gay and together for years now"
(Wolfstar heheh)


"Oopsie" said harry "now come on let's go tell them"

With that he grabbed me and knocked on the door.

3rd person pov again:

Remus and sirius werr watching a movie when they heard a knock on the door.Remus was the one who stood up to open.He opened and saw harry and one of his students,cedric diggory.He saw that they were holding hands and understood where this was going but he didn't talk about yet.

"Harry!Cedric!Come in" he said and sirius stood up and closed the tv when he heard the name Cedric because he understood harry wasn't alone.

He looked over and saw his godson, with a boy that had light brown hair and grey eyes,and they were holding hands.That could only mean one thing.

"Hey harry,Hey cedric?I dont know if i am right" sirius said

"You are,sir"

"Hey sirius,we came here because we wanted to talk about something" harry said

"Well go on,you can tell us" sirius said and smiled at the two boys.

"Me and cedric...we are together for a while now" harry said and he looked down

Sirius looked at remus and they both smiled.Now they knew the reason harry always went out and was so happy.

"Congratulations!" Sirius said

"We are very happy for you two" Remus continued

"Really!?So you don't have a problem about me being with a boy?"

"Of course not harry!We are very proud actually!" Sirius said and harry higges him,he hugged back and looked at cedric."Cedric,please take care of him" he said kindly but gave cedric a death glare

"I will,sir" cedric said kinda scared of the man because he had heard everything about him

Remus hugged harry and smiled at Cedric.

"Now we are gonna leave because we are planning of going on a date" harry said and blushed

"Then bye!Have fun" sirius and remus said together making the two boys laugh.
The two boys left the house and decided to go and eat something.
(Btw it was almost night)

After a couple of hours they were on the roof of a building,watching the stars while laughing and planning their future.While doing this cedric was thinking how lucky he is of having a boyfriend like harry.He looked over at harry and smiled,harry saw it and turned to look at his boyfriend,Cedric went closer to harry and gently kissed him.

"Ced,promise me,that you we will always be together, and that one day we will get married" harry said when they weren't kissing anymore.

"I promise" Cedric answered and with that we put his hand around harry and they contiued looking at the stars.

I promise-||A hedric fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now