|Chapter 2|

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Harry's pov:

Ahhh this is so messed up.What should i do?Leave cedric as sad as he is after i said no or say no to the others and go with cedric?I mean...the others are all in gryffindor which means that i can see them every day but they will hate me if i say no now,1 hour before we go to hogsmeade.But still cedric...he is in hufflepufff i can't see him as much as the others.Oh come on harry of course you are going with cedric,just do it without the twins,mione and ron hating you.

3rd person pov:

Harry decided to go tell the twins,hermione and ron that he wants to go with cedric and then go say it to Cedric.

He went back in the great hall and sat down to the gryffindor table.

"Guys i need to tell you" he whispered  but everyone from the gryffindor table turned around and looked at him."only fred,george,hermione and ron!" He said louder and everyone continued talking except the four.

"What wrong mate?" Ron asked while eating.

"I.." harry started but he didn't know exactly what to say

"Take your time its okay whatever it is" hermione said and closed her book

"Promise you wont get mad" harry said shaking a little

"Of course not harrykins" fred said and laughed slightly

"Ok ok what i wanted to say is...cedric asked me to go to hogsmeade today...i told him that i already said yes to you but now i feel bad because he seemed to be sad" harry said and looked down

The 4 kids (the twins,hermione and Ron) looked at each other and nodded.

"Then you want to go with cedric?" George asked

"Yeah" harry whispered

"Then go harry!We are all ok with it!" George said happily.He did wanna go with harry too but harry wanted to go with cedric and george couldn't hate him.

"Really?" Harry asked and looked up

"Yup" fred and ron said together

"Of course harry" hermione said smiling to him and then opened her book and started reading again.

"Thanks guys" harry said happily and ate a bit.

....(after a while)....

Cedric was getting out of the great hall and probably going to get ready because he was going with his friends to Hogsmeade.

Cedric's pov:

As much as i love hannah,matthew and ernie i would love to go with harry to hogsmeade but he is going with the others.Its still okay tho because he seems very happy the past 15 minutes.

"Why aren't you going with your boyfriend to hogsmeade ced?" Hannah asked

"First of all he is not my boyfriend and   he rejected me aswell" i said

"That probably hurt" matthew whispered

"Yes it did"i answered and he was shocked because he didn't think i heard him.

"Your man is coming" ernie said

"Wha-" i started to say but then harry came closer

"Uhm cedric can i talk to you?" He asked and hannah gave me a smile and hit my arm a little

"Of course" i said and i followed him outside."what happened harry?"

"Okay look cedric...do you still want to go to hogsmeade with me?" He asked

"Yes but why do u ask...aren't you going with george,fred,Hermione and ron?"

"I told them that i wanna go with you because i can spent time with them later" harry said and smiled

"You wanna go with me?"

"Oh c'mon ced don't be oblivious!" Harry said and giggled

Oh gosh he is so handsome.And his lips seem so soft,i wanna kiss him so bad.I looked at him for a while.

"Earth to cedric?" He said laughing

I realised that i had zoned out and blushed and he left out a soft giggle.

"Sorry"  i whispered embarrassed

"Its okay ced,but you didnt answer me are you still going to hogsmeade with me or no?" He asked

I blushed harder.

"Yes i will go to hogsmeade with you"

"Then see you in a little" he said and left

"See you" i said and then went back with hannah,matthew and ernie

              With the others

"What happened,why are you so happy ?" Hannah said

"He said no to the others because he wants to go out with me" i said

"Omg!" She said happily " really!?"

"Yeahh" i said

"Does that mean that you are not going with us?" Matthew said

"Yeah...do u have a problem?"

"Of course not ced have fun with your man"  matthew said and ernie giggled

"Oh shut up" i said and we all walked back to the common room talking.

Ok this is the second chapter!I will write their "date" in the next one.I will probably upload it today so yeah,love you <3

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