Battlefield: Midorima x Reader x Akashi (Part 3)

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So...idk what I just wrote pls forgive me XD

I made Akashi look so weak and vulnerable in this story *stabs myself*

anyways hope you enjoy this update ;)


Battlefield: Midorima x Reader x Akashi (part 3)

"My, My, King Shiro? I didn't expect you to claim and pick up my trash? That was very low of you." Emerging from the hill is a very familiar face. "And looks like (your name) grew into a goddess in just a few years?"


It was King Shoyo. That red hair. The burning. Red eyes. That evil smirk. Everything. About him shouts evil.

You went down on your horse and took the front line as your own. "What do you want? You bastard!"

One of his men charged at you for talking harsh at the king but just he was 3 feet away, you easily sliced him by the throat. And then many charged mainly at you.

The soldiers from King Shiro's side didn't dare to move. They knew this is a battle that if possible, you should do on your own.

You lost track at 59 kills and after that you don't know anymore. All you want to do is to avenge.

Not until you heard the cries from your side. They were the one's grazed by the arrows.

"Don't tell me- you bastard!"

"You were right, my men could have aimed for their organs, but you yourself knew that I prefer slow and painful killing, don't you, (your name)?"

The damned arrows are poisoned!

"They only have 30 minutes to live, if not given these anti venom, they would be some dead men by that. Isn't that great?" He laughed menacingly.

At that moment, you noticed a kid, the same age as you standing in his side, quivering with fear. "You can do this, in your son's sight? What a father you are."

"You fool! You want your Men to die or not!?"

You know getting him pissed was fun but not very rewarding. But what you're concerned about is his son. How could he manage to show how a demon he is in front of his child?!

"Say what you want." You let go of the swords and chains in your arms.

He smirked, knowing he won. "Go back to Rakuzan with me and they all will live."

"Then we have a deal."

"(Your name) I order you not to!" The King snapped back. "Do you think they would comply to the deal? You know who he really is!"

Looking back at the King, you gave him a slight smile. "Well, at least we made a gamble. That's what you always tell me, right?"

"Now give me the antidotes. If you won't be honest with this, you know I could easily defeat everyone of you."

"Getting feisty are we?" He signaled his men to pass down the antidote to the doctor-soldier you're with. He proceed to confirm it and proceed to quickly give it to the needy.

After seeing them breath a bit easier, you felt a force smashed at the back of your head before everything turned black.


"H-hey. Hey?"

You felt dizzy and the back of your head feels painful. Struggling to open your eyes, you were greeted by darkness. With just the little window giving an evidence that it is already sunset. And with the constant sound of galloping horses and the shaky ground you're in, you guessed your in a detention carriage.

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