Anniversary of This Book

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I actually forgot that this book/series's 1st chapter published is already a year old. Lol kill me pls.

So with that...

I am accepting 3 requests!!!

But there's a rule!!!

Only 3 readers would be granted the price IF and only if

1. They could make a good review about my short series

-I'll Be Back For You
-Broken and the Self-less
-The Irony
-She Taught Me How

Reviews could me post in the comment box below this update.

Deadline would be until...FRIDAY!!! ;) 2 days from now.

Excited to hear from you readers!

Andways the Akashi one-shot would be finished soon ;)

April 08, 2015

KNB OneShots/CreationsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant