Once Upon a Time in New York: Kagami x Reader (Christmas Special)

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Once Upon a Time in New York: Kagami (Christmas Special) 

(A/N: I am making up this Christmas events. If they happen to be real, then wow to the person who thought of doing that. Haha!)

"Come on Taiga, New York is different to L.A. You're gonna love it!"

"Don't fuck with me! You're here for 'that' even and the girls!" Taiga spat back lazily at his friends.

(A/N: Weru Weru Taiga. Wat a zurprizu to find yu hir- *slapped*)

"How can you resist the opportunity? We just might be able to kiss a hot chick and when we even get luckier, find a girlfriend?!"

It was the day where people party at Madison Square Garden and when the clock strikes 12, you have to kiss someone. It was literally just for fun, but people sees potential from it.

Snatching a kiss and a girl or both.

But Taiga is just a perky 14 year old basketball head that literally scream "ball is life". What does he have to do with this sappy event?

"Whatever, you all go do your thing. I'll go to the Nike store sale."

"Oh here is our baller Taiga on his natural habitat."

"Shut up!" And with that, Taiga went to the said store.

He was so hyped for the new year sale. He heard his favorite J's and other limited edition basketball shoes are on sale.

He went inside the store, not really surprised how happy yet chaotic it is inside.

In the middle of people shoving each other, Taiga managed to get his hand on some of the shoes he wanted. But the one he hasn't have in his hands yet are his Nike Air Jordan One in red and black combo.

"Holy crap where is that shoes?!!" He unconsciously muttered in Japanese.

"Do you happen to be looking for this shoe?" A japanese response for his question is what he heard.

"Huh?" He turned around from where the voice is from.

But instead of focusing on the shoe, he was taken by surprise. By the woman infront of him.

"What's your size? This might be the last one. Hey? Heeeey?!!!"


"Huh? Pardon?" The girl exasperatedly exhaled.

With that, Taiga snapped out of his thoughts. "G-Gomen. I am a size 29.5  cm."

"Ah, great! The exact size! Here you go. Take this!" And she placed the box down on Taiaga's free hand. Enjoy your shoe!" She curtly bowed and when she was about to leave Taiga...

"W-Wait!" He was surprised himself as to why he grabbed the girl's arm. "I mean thank you. I just feel like I need to do something back for the favor."

"Eh? Really? You don't actually need to." The girl gave Taiga a gentle smile, the one that could make any boy's heart melt.

"U-Um... I-I..." The lad's cheeks are slowly growing pink.

"Then how about you hell me pick out some shoes? I don't really know the difference of each kind."

"Y-Yeah! Hey why are you giggling?!!!"

"Nothing. You're just being silly and cute. Come on let's go!"

The entire shoe shopping was spent with a blushing Taiga as she helps the girl choose shoes for certain uses. Dancing, running, walking.

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