I'll Be Back for You: Kuroko x Reader

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Idk Haruki_Kuroko asked for an AU fairy tail like One-shit and I end up writing a kingdom-era thing. Hahahha XD

Anyways, enjoy!!!


I'll Be Back for You: Kuroko x Reader

Drooling over the movie "Love, Rosie" while writing this one.

He was your bestfriend. But you took him for granted. You let him go.

"(Your name), I would be back for you." That's what he said before he left you for the kingdom he actually belongs to.

Kuroko is actually the only illegitimate son of the King. Not wanting to marry anyone besides his peasant mother who died right after giving birth to Kuroko.

And you knew better not to hold on to promises. Because it is meant to be broken.

"Okay Kuroko." You said, trying to look and sound convincing. So he could leave you at peace.

And you continued to chase him with your eyes, until there isn't a shadow or scent anymore.

You're just 16. And he left two people behind. Not just you.

Right after that, you left the little village you grew up and made memories together with your new Ray of shine for place far far away.


"Mother! Mother! Look! I saw a badly injured pigeon on our backyard! It looks bad!" Your 6 year old son run towards you, holding a bloodied pigeon, wrapped with some cloth.

Looking back to your son while tending to kitchen duties, you smiled seeing how curious and caring he is with animals. Just like you.

"Ok. Ok sweetie. We'll help the little fella feel better."

As you were opening the cloth wrapped around the bird, a material tied around its legs caught your attention.

It is sealed my the mark of the Kingdom of Seirin.

"Oh my god..." Muttering under your breath, your son noticed your anxiousness.

"Mom do you feel sick?" He asked while tending to the wound of the pigeon.

"Oh? It's nothing. I just feel bad for this pigeon." You said as you quickly his the letter inside your pocket.


You two tended for the wounded pigeon. Had diner and you tucked your son to bed. That's when you decided to open the letter you're itching to see.

"To (random village's leader), From the Kingdom of Seirin,

I am asking for your assistance to locate my long lost friend, (your name). (Your hair color) hair, (your eye color) eyes and medium built. She is around 22-23 years old.

I hope you can help me find her and bring her to my kingdom with utmost care. A satisfying reward is promised.

King Kuroko Tetsuya."

Why...why is he still looking for you. He should have forgotten about you! He should! It is for the better! You don't want the same thing to happen to you or him. Loving a peasant and suffering the consequences. You want him to be happy.

That night you decided to flee once again to a far more foreign land. He's catching up and in no time, he'll find both of you.

You don't want to put him in shame for having a child before coronation.


"Mom, why are we packing up?" Your child asks as he excitedly packed his own things.

Good thing this kid sees you moving from town to town as an adventure. "We're going on a new adventure my dear Shiro!"

And at morning, you started to travel by horse to a new town, miles and miles away.


"How was the search?" The real haired aking asked his generals.

"Still negative sir."

He knows that when a person doesn't want to be discovered, they won't let themselves be. But he asking why?

He promised to return for (your name). Is he too late? Is she already committed to someone else?

He felt sadden about the tough. Who could he blame aside himself? He said he'll come back for her. But he just did after 5 years of leaving her.

How stupid a king he is.

"Your highness, we are about to embark on a journey to the Kingdom of Rakuzan. We should be going a month from today." His right hand man, Kagami said.

As they travelled to a said kingdom or any kingdom he goes to, his only hope is to stumble and find her.


"Wow mommy! Rakuzan is soooo elaborate and supreme!" Your son exclaimed on top of the house you decided to stay in.

"There there my little ones." Now we need to shop downtown for supplies. Shall we?"

Walking hand in hand. Nobles, men and even women are eyeing your child and specially you.

Being new to the town, people wonder who might be the husband of such beautiful woman. It men didn't notice you having a child, probably they'll hit on you.

The next day, you went to the Kingdom to show cooking skills and your son's animal handling skills, specially among hunting birds (hawk, eagle, etc.), hoping for a job.

Standing in front of the emperor of Rakuzan, Akashi Seijuuro, he was eyeing your son and you with a...look.

"Your son? How old is he? Miss...?"

"My son Shiro is 6, and I am (your name), Emperor Seijuuro."

He took small bites from each meal you prepared. A small smile appeared on his face. "Your feed tastes and feels motherly. It feels warm and satisfying. You're in (your name)."

"T-thank you very much, Emperor Akashi!" You bowed down low as your son did too.

"And as for your son, with such a very young age, he managed to tame out untamable eagle. With that, he also got in."

"Yay! We got in Mom!" Son son tackled you in a hug.

You two are rejoicing there while the Emperor observes the t of you with a kind smile.

"Ah...what is this feeling. Why do I feel like I want her even having a son..."

The emperor thought that maybe it isn't a bad idea.




Yes! That's right! There would be a next part for this :)

So how did you find this one?

VOTE! If you are actually for a new GOM baby on the KNB ending for ep 2 XD

January 17, 2015

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