My Words for the Guy Who Wasn't Ready: Akashi x Reader (KnHugot Series)

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Ok sorry this isn't what I promised (an Aomine One). I just kinda typed this while my parents are shopping for garden tools and stuff.

And I also want to break the stereotype about akashi knowing about everything and what to do. Especially on having a relationship loooool.

My Last Words for the Guy Who Wasn't Ready: Akashi x Reader (Kuroko no Hugot Series)

Love has always been a tough battle to win.


How exactly can a battle be won?

How can you win a battle you're not even sure about whether you can still win?


"Akashi, can I have a moment with you, please?"

"I'm sorry (First Name), I am still busy with student council paperworks. If you would like, you can stay here and wait for me." He looked up briefly from his paperworks, but immediately darted his eyes back to the papers.

As usual, you gave him a smile. "Ah, I'm fine. I'll just go home ahead. I have home work to do."

"Do you want me to call my chauffeur to drive you home?"

"No, there's no need. I guess I would just walk home with my friends."

"Okay, take care (your name)."

"You too Seijuuro."

Throughout the conversation, he didn't even spared you a glance.


Being in a relationship with can you describe it...

Well, he was the ideal man. He is a gentleman, smart, cunning, brave, talented, and committed.

There's just one problem.

You never felt...prioritized, maybe you don't also feel loved.

Sure, he gives the best gifts, re not even sure if he sees you as his girlfriend.

At school he never shows off to people that you belong to him. Heck even when you were alone he won't.

He was just...physically there.

With the lack of better words, you think he was bored being with you.

Were you not a challenge to keep him excited?

Was there no spark between the two of you?


"Seijuuro, I am glad you made it..." You two are seated in a private restaurant he insisted to treat you at, but in reality you just asked him to meet up in the park.

"Why won't I be able to?"

"Well, don't mind that comment. I'll make this quick as long o am still high with that energy drink."

"I told you that it's not good to drink those if you're not doing physical sports, right? Anyways, what is it that you wanted to say?"

"Seijuuro...are you perhaps...not ready for this, for me, for a relationship?"

"What?" His statement came out sounding exasperated. Like he's too tired to argue.

"You know Seijuuro, I've been having feeling that...just maybe...we're not ready for this, to be in a romantic relationship. I'm sorry but whenever I am with you, I always feel that...that..I was always the one taking initiative...and that you're not...all in all ready to be in a relationship. Honestly, when you confessed that you loved me, I was happy, because I like you. But I was skeptical because I haven't seen any hints before that you like me as well. Heck we don't even talk before. Then here we are, here I am..."

The atmosphere was tense, you can't even bear to look up as you were too shocked that you even said those words to him. You knew you sound so mean, and the boy doesn't deserve those words.

The meal arrived and the waiter quickly arranged the plates on you table.

Immediately after the waiter left. "I could say that you are right."

Did he just...admitted those like nothing? Are you hearing those words from him?

"Seijuuro, I-"

The mini orchestra on the stage suddenly played a slow dance song. "Can I have this dance?"

"H-hai." He lead you towards the dance floor. His hand on your waist, the other is holding your hand in the air. Slowly, he guided the two of you and in no time, on synch with the music.

"You're right, I was not ready yet. I don't even know how to treat you the way you want to. What I do is do what I think is okay." He removed his right hand from your hand and wrapped both around you for a firm hug. "I'm sorry for that (Your Name), please forgive me. I really do love you. I just....this is embarrassing and not really my thing to say."


"Please give me another chance?"

Your arms wrapped around his torso as you whispered. "Yes I would give you another chance."



Ok this is short and crappy kill me nawwwww. This isn't even that FEELS.

Anyways it told a story about...I think we could call it "doubt on love"? Hahaha

October 04, 2015

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