A Hero Gone

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Miles POV
I woke with a minor pain in my back. I look around and it's a mess. What was once a large clean room is now a pile of rubble. From what I remember the huge machine had blown up, and when it did it knocked down the scaffolding me and
Y/N were on to of, making us fall and-
I looked around shouted for
Y/N's name in a panic. I heard him say my name in a grunting voice, I looked around and saw him in a pile of rubble.

I pulled him out and he surprisingly didn't have scratch on him. I then asked "Are you Okay?"

Y/N: I've felt worse
Which was true on the account of how many times I've been sick. After saying that, I remembered when the machine was turned on, and how I started coughing and... glitching. Was this sickness related to the machine somehow? It doesn't matter, what matters now is finding Spider-Man. He probably knows what's happening.

As we were looking for the masked vigilante we did find Green Goblin. He was completely covered in rubble with only his hand sticking out. He wasn't moving so we assumed that he was dead. As we walked away from the Beast's corpse we saw
Spider-Man lying on top of rubble with his suit torn and ripped.

Miles: Spider-Man! You good.
Spider-Man: Yeah Yeah I'm fine, just resting.
Y/N: Can you get up?
Spider-Man: Yeah I always get up.*cough cough* The coughing's probably not a good sign.

Our conversation was interrupted by the voice of King-Pin talking with a scientist. Spider-Man grabbed my arm and looked at me dead in the eyes.

Spider-Man: Listen you two, we don't have a lot time. We need to work together here. Here take this.

He then handed me a USB key with a spider symbol on it. He tells us that the name of the machine is called the Collider and what it does. He also says that if King-Pin turns it on again everything that we know and love will disappear, including the ones we love.

Spider-Man: Hide your face, and  don't tell anyone who you are. No one can know not even your closest friends and family. Do you understand

Y/N and Miles: Yes

He then told you to destroy the collider and that he'll catch up to you both. When we got a good distance from him, we both realized that you don't know how to swing and that you haven't fully learned how to wall climb yet.

Y/N: So how are we gonna do this?
Miles: I don't know either.

We heard King-Pin's voice closer to us and quickly hid behind some rubble. We watched closely while King-Pin was talking to a scientist

3rd Person POV

King-Pin: Be sure to get that thing ready, and soon.

The scientist ran in the other direction while the large suited man told him to run faster

King-Pin: I'd like to say it's nice to see you again Spider-Man, but it's not.
Spider-Man: So how's business
King-Pin: BOOMIN

King-Pin laughed and pulled off Spider-Man's while he said "oh that's a no no" it revealed a blonde haired man who appeared to be in his early twenties. You and Miles both looked at each other in shock at how young he was. It was surprising.

Spider-Man: Listen you can't turn the machine back on, it can't be worth the risk.
King-Pin: It's not always about the money Spider-Man.

The Prowler then began to walk towards Spider-Man while readying his claws. Before the purple villain could get any closer Spider-Man quickly shouted


King-Pin then told the villain to wait.

Spider-Man: I know what you're trying to do and it won't work... they're gone.

King-Pin's face then saddened as he slouched a bit. His sad expression the turn to anger and he raised his arms up and slammed them down onto Spider-Man's chest.

His body went limp and you thought the worst, but still hoping he was alive and just passed out. Miles slipped on a piece of metal making a loud noise. King-Pin and the prowler both turned to you direction as you both stood up and ran away.

King-Pin: kill those two

(A/N: here's some Prowler music to set the mood)


Me and Miles both ran the same way we came in knowing that the Prowler was after us. As I was running I could hear the Prowlers technology roaring almost like a robotic animal.

We made it to the subway tracks and while I ran I tripped on the wood of the tracks and dropped the usb. Miles, who was behind me, picked it up and pulled me up to help me continue running. We both stopped dead in our tracks by seeing a train come our way. In instinct we both jumped up to the ceiling and stuck to it.

When the train passed we saw the prowler get closer and we struggled to pull our selves off the ceiling while saying "Stop sticking" in unison. We eventually did pull ourselves off and continued running. The Prowler got was closer now, making us run even faster. We saw the end of the subway tunnel but another train was getting closer to the exit.

We both jumped out of the exit while just barely missing the vehicle. After we left the subway we escaped the Prowler and immediately ran home.

*Time skip*

When got home we got home, scared out of our minds, we climbed through a window that lead to our room. We climbed in while knocking over a record player. We heard quick walking to our room and saw our dad open the door


Miles began to tear up and he ran into his Dad's while his father asked why we're not at school. Mom then walked in asking us what's wrong, making me and my foster family all together.

Me and Miles asked to stay the night, which both of your parents allowed. We both went to bed. It took a while for Miles to fall asleep but me didn't, I stayed up thinking about what happened that night.

*Time skip a few hours*

That night I over heard the news talk about Spider-Man, and what I heard made my heart stop for a second.

Spider-Man was dead.

A Swing of Faith (Spider Gwen x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now