The Prowler

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You and Gwen grabbed a regular suit, and started brainstorming ideas for your style. You grabbed some spray cans and started working.

As you were making it you thought of an idea. You decided to ask Gwen.

Y/N: Hey, is it okay to copy something from yours.
Gwen: What you want to be a copy cat?
Y/N: No. I just think that your hood is cool.
Gwen: It is cool... I'll allow it!

You grabbed some cloth and stitched it on. When it was finished you looked in the mirror, it looked great!

A/N: Credit to Thony Kim at Artstation for making this badass suit

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A/N: Credit to Thony Kim at Artstation for making this badass suit

Gwen: It looks great!
Y/N: Thanks. You know, I should probably go look for Miles and talk to him.
Gwen: Do you know where he is?
Y/N: I've got a hunch yeah.

You left the lair and began to use the tips Peter gave you to swing. When you got there, you saw Miles and just as you thought he was going into Uncle Aaron's apartment. You climbed the wall to the window to his apartment and opened it. You climbed inside and saw Miles writing a letter.

Y/N: Hey Miles.
Miles: Nice suit... I see they're treating you nicely.
Y/N: Never said they were or weren't. You okay?
Miles: I'm just tired of messing everything up.
Y/N: You haven't, you're not the only one who is still learning how to do this job.
Miles: You're right... At least when this is over you'll be helping me right.

There was a pause, you were worried for his reaction to what you would have to say.

Y/N: Miles, I actually-

Suddenly the window began to open. A man in a purple outfit was opening it, it was the Prowler! You both turned invisible and hid.
The Prowler stepped in and immediately new that someone was already here. While you trying to hide you bumped into a coffee table getting the villain's attention.

You stayed still in fear and covered your mouth to muffle your breathing, as the villain  walked closer. He got in your face, and was there for what felt like an eternity. He was interrupted by a phone call.

Prowler: Mr. Fisk... Yeah... yeah I know... those kids are out there... I'll find em.

He took off his mask, to reveal a familiar face.

Uncle Aaron: You know me sir... I don't ever quit.

You and Miles were shocked! A million thoughts rushed through your mind, but you snapped out of it seeing as how you finally had the chance to run. You both climbed out of the window, loud enough to get Uncle Aaron's attention.

You both began to go run back to queens to tell everyone but first you had to outrun the backstabbing villain. As Miles was running the prowler was catching up to him and as he was about to catch him you swooped in and tackled him.

The both of you fought on top of an apartment building, and after awhile when you both got tired. You couldn't hold your anger in anymore and you said to him.

Uncle Aaron: The hell you talking about?
Y/N: I LOOKED UP TO YOU MAN! You took everything from me!
Uncle Aaron: I don't even know who you are...
Y/N: You will... Here let me show you.

You took off your mask and showed him your face. Uncle Aaron was struck with a feeling of dread and took his mask off too realizing that he messed up.

Uncle Aaron: No... Oh no no no no!

Tears were flooding in your eyes. Both were shocked and filled with dread.

Uncle Aaron: I-I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't risk it.
Y/N: Risk what?
Uncle Aaron: You or your family's safety!
Y/N: AND SAW YOU AS MY REAL FAMILY! TO ME, I FELT LIKE YOU WERE MY REAL DAD! Instead your just another criminal  that steals and takes from others, and only cares about themself.

Aaron was devastated.

Y/N: Hope you're happy...

Y/N put his mask back on and swung away back to Aunt May's house. Leaving Uncle Aaron alone to process what he did wrong.

A Swing of Faith (Spider Gwen x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now