To get a new goober

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3rd POV

As Doc Oc returned to the Alchemax lab, King-Pin and his bodyguard Tombstone were waiting for her. Doc Oc was about to speak but was interrupted by Tombstone pulling out his guns, before he got to shoot though Doc Oc started to strangle him.

King-Pin: I killed Spider-Man. Why did I just see three more?
Doc Oc: there's four actually.

King-Pin then became more concerned but the mad scientist reassured him.

Doc Oc: No this is good. It means you get what you want, and it means my collider works. All we need to is kill a couple of spiders, and the collider will bring your family back, as many families as you want.

King-Pin thought for a minute and finally came to a decision, and so did tombstone who finally decided  to put his guns away making Doc Oc to release him.  As King-Pin  and tombstone walked away King-Pin said.

King-Pin: Tomorrow my collider
Doc Oc: Our collider.

Gwen: So when did your parents adopt Y/N?
Miles: A year before I was born, why are you asking so many questions about Y/N?

Gwen had a small blush on her face and just said it was curiosity. Miles didn't believe it, he immediately knew what was happening.

Miles: You like him don't you?

Gwen's face became a red tomato.

Miles: Oh my god you do!
Gwen: Shhh! Shut up okay, and why would I like him he isn't even my type.

While they were talking, you were talking to Peter about how you would make another goober.

Peter: Well if the other Peter does have the same thing I do, the stuff we need should be at... my Aunt May's house.
Y/N: oof, you gonna be okay doing that?
Peter: I hope so

When Gwen and Miles had finished talking and Miles went over to Peter, you went and talked to Gwen. Miles stopped you though and he asked you.

Miles: Hey. Did you Glitch?
Y/N: I think I did. I don't know why, I guess it's something we'll figure out together, huh?
Miles: I guess.

Miles let you go, and you walked over to Gwen.
She scooted over to give you room to sit and started talking.

Y/N: So uh... why'd you say Miles can't like your hair?
Gwen: What?
Y/N: You said to Miles "You don't get to like my haircut" why did you say that.

Gwen explained what happened, and you couldn't help but laugh.

Y/N: Well I think it's cute.

Gwen POV

'DID HE JUST CALL ME CUTE AGAIN?!' I thought to myself as I felt a blush appear on my face. I wonder if I do have feelings for him. No Miles can't be right, but is he?

Y/N: Hey if you ever want to start doing friends again, I can always open a spot.

I was a bit surprised by this but also a bit relieved knowing he just wants to be friends.

Gwen: I'll keep you posted.

Peter POV

I hear Gwen and Y/N talking to each other and think to myself
'This'll be great.'

Time skip
3rd POV

The bus dropped you off at a house in Queens. On the front lawn of the house had a pile of Spider-Man cards, gifts, and flowers. Peter shot a web at the door bell and almost immediately after Peter said

Peter: We should probably go
Y/N: Pete she is the only person who can help us.
Peter: NOPE, bad idea!

Peter began to walk away but Gwen shot a web and yanked him back to where he was standing. The door opened slightly and you heated the voice of an old woman speak.

Aunt May: I really appreciate it but please no more visitors today.

Almost immediately after she said that she sees Peter. The door is fully open now showing that she is holding a bat in which she drops.

Peter: Im not ready for this...
Aunt May: Peter?
Peter: Hey May, this is gonna sound crazy but Im pretty sure Im from-
Aunt May: an alternate dimension.

Her hand touches Peter's cheek and looks at him almost like a mother would.

Aunt May: You look tired Peter.
Peter: We'll I am tired.
Aunt May: And older, and thicker!
Peter: Yeah I know
Aunt May: Ah jeez are those sweat pants!
Gwen: Yep that's what they are...

Miles told May that you both were there when it happened and asked if she knew how to make another goober. She brought you to a shed that unlocked to a Spider-Man lair!

Peter: Oh yeah I have a shed where I keep my spider gear as well.

The lair had a bunch of stuff in it like information on villains, Spider-Man tech, and even a Spider-Car! While you were looking around you saw Gwen struggling to refill her web-shooter using the the other Spider-Man's web fluid containers.

Y/N: Oh here Peter showed me how to do this on the bus.

You held her hand and used the other refill her web-shooter. Gwen blushed at this and looked away trying to hide it. You also blushed realizing that you held her hand with asking.

Y/N: T-there you go.
Gwen: Um... T-thanks.

Peter watched this happen, and he smiled.

Aunt May: Peter knew how dangerous the job was, but he thought the only one who could stop this guy was Spider-Man.
Miles: King-Pin know we're coming we're going be outnumbered.
Aunt May: Don't be so sure, you might need these.

She held out three name tag stickers and a marker. Right after all four of your spider-senses went off signaling you to look up. You saw two other people, a robot and a... pig?

Aunt May: You thought you were the only ones who thought to come here?

Noir: Hey fellas!
Miles: Is he in black and white?
Peter: Where's that wind coming from we're on a basement?
Noir: Where I go the wind follows. And the wind, Smells like rain!

Penni: Hi guys, こんにちははじめまして!
She says this as she jumps down with her robot and poses next to
it, trying and failing to look cool.

Peter: literally can't get any weirder...
Spider-Pig: It CAN get weirder!

Just then a literal pig in a Spider-Man suit walks up to like he's porkey pig from looney toons. All of there Spider senses go off making them realize that you, miles, Gwen and Peter are just like them.

Noir, Peni, Spider-Pig: You're like me!

A Swing of Faith (Spider Gwen x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now