Uncle Aaron

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You both snuck out and ran to your Uncle Aaron's house! Aaron is the one who brought you to your Foster Parents house! He raised you at first but knew he couldn't for long so he swapped the child ownership to his brother.  You and Aaron are both cool with it, because when he and his brother told you found it understandable and didn't make it a big thing.

Once you and Miles got to the Apartment building you could hear the music from his home.

Miles: I'm gonna take a photo of him send it!

You both watched his reaction and then shout his name

Y/N and Miles: UNCLE AARON!!!
Y/N: HEY were you scared

Miles then rubbed his face on glass window, making Aaron laugh and let you inside the apartment.

Aaron: so how's the new school?
Miles: great
Aaron: come it can't be that bad? You find a girl Y/N?
Y/N: Haha like I could!

Aaron always asked you this question. It was like he was trying to find some way to tease you.

Aaron: "come on no nephew of mine wouldn't have not found someone yet!" He says laughing a bit.

Y/N: no there's no one
Aaron: what are you saying you don't have game?
Y/N: Hey I got game. In fact there's this one girl and she's kinda into me. You know how it is.

You sit down on the couch and watch a recording Sunday Night Live (Saturday Night Live)
show does a skit on
Spider-Man. Aaron pulls out popcorn from the microwave and asks.

Aaron: what's her name?
Y/N: We uh w-we laying down the ground work right now.
Aaron: Come on when you were Five I told a lot of things with ladies. You both ever heard of the shoulder touch?

Miles: Of course we have... but tell us anyways.

He then tells you about the shoulder touch and you Miles and Aaron kept saying "Hey" over and over again, until your dad texts you and Miles about homework and kinda killing the mood

Aaron then sees Miles drawing graffiti art in his notebook

Aaron: Dang Miles, you guys throw these up yet?
Y/N: nah you know us man. We can't.
Aaron: Come on! I got a spot that you won't believe!
Miles: we can't we can't

You and Miles follow him anyways to a subway tunnel in which he said that he did an engineering job down there.

He brings you to a wall.  It looks so fresh and clean! No one has spray painted on it and it's the perfect spot for you and Miles' art.  Aaron tosses you both a can a spray paint and starts to play music on a boom box.

Y/N: you ready
Miles: Ready
And you both begin

As you were still doing the background of your masterpiece, you felt something on your arm. You didn't think of it until you saw a spider. It was kinda clear and see-through for some reason. It moved around a bit and bit into your hand! The pain was mild so you swept it off and didn't think of it.

While you were almost done you started coughing again and this time feeling sick to your stomach

Aaron: Hey Y/N, you good
Y/N: Yeah I'm fine, just a cough
Miles: you sure you're not sick?
Y/N: Yeah I'm fine, let's continue

You both finished it off with drawing the outline of Miles over the artwork. Aaron told you both how he and your dad did this back in the day before he became a cop. Aaron then got a text and he said that he had to go.

As you were leaving Miles was taking picture of the art, he saw a spider on his hand and it also bit him. The spider looked similar to the one that bit you but not exactly the same. Miles smacked it off his hand before leaving.

That night while you were trying to sleep in your dorm at visions, you were moving around a lot and having having trouble sleeping. We're you sick? Or is something else happening?

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