Comfort to confession

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You sat on the roof of Aunt May's house just thinking. Peter and Gwen knew that they had to do something. Peter decided to talk to you first.

Peter: Hey, are you alright?
Y/N: Well, Miles left and just found out I'm from a different universe. So no I guess not.
Peter: I withdraw the question. Do you wanna talk about it?
Y/N: I really don't.

He sat down next to you, letting out a sigh as he did so. Peter tried to think of what he could do to comfort you, but you interrupted his train of thought by saying.

Y/N: Do you ever hate being Spider-Man?
Peter: Honestly... Sometimes I do. Y'know being Spider-Man is one of the reason MJ left me. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really the right person for this job.
Y/N: How do I know? How do I know I can save the whole world?
Peter: You shouldn't think about saving the world, you have to think about saving one person.

You thought for a second, you thought about when you glitched in the Spider-Lair. You saw Gwen, the way she was in pain, it made you want to comfort her, to take that pain away from her and keep her safe. You knew you liked her, and you wanted to help her.

Y/N: When do I know I'm Spider-Man
Peter: You won't... It's a leap
of  faith, Y/N. A leap of faith. But there's something that you shouldn't do. Don't do it like me. Do it like you

Peter jumped off the roof walked to the front door. As he walked there he said.

Peter: YES! That was emotional!

That made you laugh a bit. About 15 minutes go by and Gwen decides that she should talk to you. She jumps up on onto the roof and sits next to you.

Gwen: Hey are you doing okay?
Y/N: Im feeling better, now that your here~

You made her blush a bit.

Gwen: S-shut up.
Y/N: Sorry.

Gwen: So I heard what Peni told you. What do you think your gonna tell Miles.
Y/N: I don't know. But I do know that now isn't the right time.

Gwen: What dimension did Peni say that you're from?
Y/N: Earth-65
Gwen: Hey she said that's my dimension!
Y/N: Really?! Well now I'm feeling better about being from another dimension!

She giggled at this comment. You both started talking about what your New Yorks. After a while of talking Gwen asked a question.

Gwen: Hey um... What do you think of me.
Y/N: What?
Gwen: You know... What do you think about me.

Both of your faces were red. You knew you liked her, you wanted to say so many amazing things about her, but you were worried about rejection. So you kept it simple.

Y/N: Well... I think you're kind, cool to be around, and I think you're beautiful. Wait! SHIT!

You couldn't help it, as much you tried not to show your affection for her you couldn't help it. It was to late to take it back anyway, and now you were just waiting for a slap in the face or mean comment, but all she said with blush was:

Gwen: T-Thanks... I-I think you're good looking too!

You were shocked, so shocked you didn't know if you were dreaming or not! You don't know why, but for some reason you couldn't hold it back anymore. You wanted to tell her your feelings.

Y/N: Look... When I met you, I was having a very VERY rough day. And when I told that joke just get out of trouble from my teacher, and you laughed, that made me feel a little better.
Gwen: You know, when that bully wouldn't leave me alone at school, I could've handled it myself, but when you stepped in to stop him, I was honestly very happy. I might not have showed it, but for the first time in like forever someone stood up for me. And it made me very happy.

Y/N: *sigh* Gwen. I-I... I like you!

She was taken aback. Both of your faces went red. There was no going back now.

Y/N: I m-mean its okay if you just like me as a friend I w-won't be upset or-

Suddenly you silenced by Gwen moving in close and kissing you. You were shocked at first, but you slowly gave into the kiss. It felt like everything went silent, and as though time had stopped. The kiss lasted ten seconds which felt like a very enjoyable eternity. When she finally broke the kiss, it finally gave you the chance to say:

Y/N: I love you Gwen Stacey!
Gwen: I love you too Y/N Morales!

You kissed once again and just held each other on the roof as you both kept saying how much you loved the other. After awhile Gwen said something that excited you.

Gwen: Hey, nobody's gonna use those suits in the Spider-Lair. Wanna make you a suit!
Y/N: Are you kidding! Hell Yeah!

You both then ran to the shed hold hands and once got there you grabbed one of the suits that interested you the most, and started brainstorming ideas.

A/N: I'm sorry if this was cheesy and bad, please let me know if it was or wasn't.

A Swing of Faith (Spider Gwen x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now