Five Guys

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(A/N: Before I start this chapter, I just wanna give proof of how I know the name of the restaurant in "into the Spider-verse"
Peter says that he love the restaurant's burgers, and in the comics he mentions that he love that he loves their burger specifically "Five Guys" Here's and image.)

3rd POV

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3rd POV

As Peter Parker took a very discussing bite out of his burger, you and Miles just sit there waiting for him to finish.

Peter: I love these burgers they're so delicious! In my universe this place closed down 3 years ago, I don't know why I really don't.
Miles: Maybe because of the C Rating on the door?

The waiter walked up to their table and dropped the check signaling Peter to pay because he was the only adult at the table. Peter, now worried he might have to leave without paying, looks at you and says.

Peter: You guys got money right? I'm not very liquid right now.
Y/N: Look can we please focus spider-maning

Peter gave his full attention as you both started asking questions.

Y/N: Got any tips on Spider-Man stuff?
Peter: Uh yeah! You're gonna want to use baby powder on the suit, heavy on the joints. Not too much though because then it will get uncomfortable.
Y/N: Anything else?
Peter: Nah that's it.

Y/N and Miles: I think you're gonna be a bad teacher.
Miles: So Peter, you seemed to be familiar with quantum theory. You have an idea on how this collider works?

Peter then spread all of his fries out on his plate. He also grabbed one of them and ate it.

Peter: See this fry. This is your dimension, it's weird, it's slimes and gross. This fry much better and delicious tasting fry is my dimension. When the collider was turned on, it brought my dimension into yours messing up my perfectly good fry. Now in order to fix the dimension, I need to get back home while also destroying the collider.

Miles: The other Peter did give us that Goober to turn it off, but we need make another one.
Peter: Well, where is Alchemax?

You pulled out your phone and looked up on schmoogle (Google) where it is. When you found where it was, it was in Hudson Valley New York. Then you got the bright idea that he could teach you and Miles how to swing on the way there.

Y/N: Hey, it's in Hudson Valley, maybe you could teach how to swing there.

As you jokingly made hand motions pretending to shoot webs, Peter began to laugh.

Peter: Look, First: You can't swing after eating, it's like pool rules. Second: you'll be too tired after eating, so we're gonna take the bus. Trust me you'll thank me later.

As the three of you began to leave, you pulled money out of your pocket and left it on the table. Then right after doing so, you asked Peter a question.

Y/N: Hey Peter, what was this restaurant called in your universe.
Peter: Oh! It was called Five Guys.

A Swing of Faith (Spider Gwen x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now