Saying Goodbye

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Uncle Aaron fell to the ground. You quickly kneeled down and went to help him. As you did so King-Pin then pointed his gun at you and just before he pulled the trigger, Peter swooped in and kicked him out of the way. Peter then shouted at you.


You looked at Peter, then you picked up Uncle Aaron and started to swing away from the fighting. Miles noticed you swinging away and saw the prowler with you. He started following you both.

Once you and Uncle Aaron got far enough, you rested him in an alley way and took off his mask. You looked at his shirt and realized that, even though he was shot in the back, the bullet had gone all the way through his body. Uncle Aaron said to you through the pain and trying to cling onto the little amount of life he had.

Uncle Aaron: Y/N...
Y/N: Uncle Aaron... I'm so sorry! It's all my fault!

Aaron released his hand from his claw and grabbed your hand.

Uncle Aaron: No Y/N... I'm sorry... I wanted to you see me as someone you could trust... I wanted to you to see me as some one who you could go to for advice... and I threw it all away.

Just then Miles showed up and saw uncle Aaron. In shock, he took off his mask and ran up to him

Uncle Aaron: Ah shit... You too! I let you both down.

Miles told him that he just didn't know. But Aaron still insisted that it was his fault.

Uncle Aaron: You're the best of all of us Miles. Be on your way... just keep goin man.

Miles began to tear up and started to cry. Then Uncle Aaron turned to you.

Uncle Aaron: Hey Y/N...
Y/N: Yeah?
Uncle Aaron: Did you get her name...

He was referring to Gwen. Though you were crying, this made you laugh a bit. You answered him.

Y/N: Yeah... Her name is Gwen.
Uncle Aaron: Nice! Do me a favor, be sure to use that shoulder touch I taught you.

You laughed again.

Uncle Aaron: I love you Y/N... I'll... see you around.

His eyes were beginning to close and his hand was going limp. You began tighten your grip on his hand.

Y/N: No... No please! Dad! No, stay with me! DAD PLEASE!!!

You broke down in tears as he released his last breath. You and Miles were a sobbing mess, and you had no idea what you were supposed to do now...

Jefferson Davis POV:

I had gotten a report of a disturbance in Queens involving something about Spider-People. Had no idea what it meant but I quickly got there as fast as possible anyway. When I got there I saw nothing but destruction and what looked to be a
Spider-Person swinging away with a man in a purple suit. I then began to follow them.

When they stopped I got out of my car and saw another one but they were wearing a cheap
Spider-Man costume. The man in the purple outfit was on the ground, they might've attacked him! I tried be as quiet as possible when approaching them. I pulled out my gun and shouted.

Jeff Davis: HANDS UP! Put you arms up now!

They both stood up with their hands in the air.

Jeff Davis: Turn around...

They began to turn but just before I could see what they looked like, they both vanished! I looked everywhere for them but couldn't see them. Then I look at the man on the ground and I was shocked. It was my brother Aaron.

A Swing of Faith (Spider Gwen x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now