Rumors (Aidan)

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   (Y/N) POV
  I woke up in the arms of my boyfriend, Aidan Gallagher. I loved him with all my heart and I knew he was my soulmate. He was still asleep so I turned to get on my phone while I played with his hair.

  The first thing I saw when I got on was a bunch of accounts saying that Aidan was cheating on me, I knew he wouldn't do that to me. I hope he wouldn't do that to me. They were just lies, but those lies got to me. So me being me I started to over think

  I got out of bed because I knew if I was near Aidan I would just think about all the news going around. Even when away from him that's all I could think about. I sat down in our living room turning on a
(y/f/m). Then looked at my phone starting to tear up, what is he really did cheat. I thought to myself 

  I woke up to a coldness beside me, the beauty I usually wake up to wasn't there. I got up heading down stairs when I heard quite whimpers. I sadly knew exactly who it was coming from. I rushed into the living room seeing my girlfriend cry while staring down at her phone.
   "Baby, what wrong?" I asked scooting next to her.

   "I- nothing" just by that I knew she wasn't gonna tell me easily, I looked down at her phone seeing the article she was reading. The heading titled
"Is famous actor Aidan Gallagher cheating on his girlfriend (y/n) (y/l/n) ?"

  I would never do that, who started this. Who think that I would cheat on her when she's already everything I want. 

"You don't believe that do you?" I asked softly

" I don't know, I know you wouldn't do that. But it just got me thinking." She responded quietly, her throat probably soar from crying.

Instead of talking I just embraced her a much needed hug. She immediately hugged back crying into my bare chest.

   (Y/N) POV
We hugged for what felt like an eternity. Eventually we ended in each others arms on the couch, hun whispering in my ear every so often that he's mine and he's never gonna hurt me like that.

"Goodnight princess. I love you so very much, never forget that" he whispers softly in my ear then kissing it afterwards.

"I love so much more" she mumbled back as she moved her head the crook of my neck.
"Debatable" I said almost silently.
I heard her softly giggle, that sound could brighten anyone of my days. And with that we feel asleep in each others arms. And not believing any rumors for we loved each other no matter what.

This is a draft that was in my notes app so I didn't know where I was going with it so I'm sorry.
Words: 471

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