Into the woods (Five)

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(Not my original idea, I sadly forgot the original artists name but if you know please let me know)

No one's POV

Lately y/n has been really out of it, like really out of it. She's been wandering all over the city, one time five found her at the mall and when she snapped back into she didn't even realize she left the house.

Five has been finding her in all sorts of places, and in all sorts of concerning circumstances. He once found her standing on the edge of the cliff, nothing happened but it sure made fives heart drop.

Y/n just hasn't been herself lately, she's usually more talkative towards five and her siblings but lately it's been crickets.


Don't get me wrong, I love y/n, with my whole heart, but I've gotten so behind on paperwork because I've been looking after her. So I needed someone to "babysit".

With my luck the only one available was Klaus, great. He came over to mine and
y/n's apartment, I felt like I could see a little bit of the true y/n shine through when he walked giving me a feeling of relief.

I explained to Klaus I needed go do some work so he really just needed to make sure she didn't leave the apartment.


Klaus is here, I don't know why he's here but every time I stand up from the couch he rushes to the front door guarding it. All we ended up doing was watching a crap ton of movies, I don't know where fives at but I kind of miss him.

I noticed Klaus was asleep on the couch and suddenly I felt that feeling again, that feeling that I was losing myself.


I'm almost done, I only need to do like one more report than I'm finished. I heard my office door swing open and Klaus walked in.

"Hey, you can probably go I'm almost done, like two more minutes." I said not even looking up from my papers

"Oh, umm, actually five?" Klaus said, j looked up noticing his nervous facial features

"What?" I asked concerned he broke our tv again.

"Well, you see... I fell asleep on the couch and..."

"And what Klaus." I said tired of his slow talking

"Y/n left." I stood up from my desk angered brushing Klaus' shoulder as I walked past him, he followed behind.

"Klaus, what the hell, you had one job." I said walking towards the door.

"I knowwww, it was only for a few hours."

"A few hours?!" I turned on my heels staring at him and he just nodded his head.
"Call the siblings, tell them to meet at the park."


I finally was able to kind of zone back into reality. I was checking my surroundings when I noticed I was in the woods. The sounds of sticks breaking made my head snap towards the trees behind me.

I saw two big male figures approach me with smirks on their faces. And then that feeling came over me again and it went black.


"Ok, well dumbass over here." I pointed to Klaus "let y/n leave the house by herself. So the plan is to check the woods before it gets dark, if she's in the city well has street lights all night but if she's in the woods it will get dark quick" I explained

"Makes sense" Diego agreed. We all made our way to the woods, hopefully to find y/n.


I came back into reality once again, I felt my jeans were wet as well as my shirt, when I looked down all I saw was blood. I took a shaky breath when I saw foot laying right next to mine.

When I turned my head behind I saw the two men on the ground, lifeless, and a pocketknife which j could only assumed belonged to them in my hands.


"Guyssss, I'm tireddd" Klaus complained as we all store checked the forest.

"Klaus, y/n is out here ok? We can't just leave her." Viktor explained watching his steps closing as too not trip over any branches

"But I'm hungry, and I-" Klaus shut up mid sentence

"Finally, some quiet" Diego said

"Wait don't guys smell that?" Klaus asked and Diego sighed at the sound of his voice

"Wait, you're right" Allison started "something smells, wrong."

I smelt it too, except I think I'm the only one who knew what it was, it was a body, a dead body.  I immediately took off to the direction of the smell, my siblings not too far behind me.

When I got closer to the smell I could see a y/n standing staring at the ground, when I reached the area she was in I also saw two lifeless body's on the ground.

She was covered in blood, I felt awful, I knew how much she hated killing people.

Diego and Allison immediately went to check pulses, y/n didn't notice them, she must be zoned out again.

I walked up to her and touched her shoulder, she jumped aiming a bloody pocketknife at me.

"Woah woah y/n, it's just me ok? It's five." I said putting my hand back on her arm. She fell into my arms crying.

"They followed me five, I didn't know what else to do." She cried into my chest, I looked over the bodies and Diego gave me nod telling us we should go.

"Let's go home ok?" I asked and she slightly nodded, I blinked up straight back to the apartment.

I guided y/n to the bathroom and ran her a bath, she undressed and I took her clothes to our laundry room.

I walked back into the bathroom and made sure she was doing ok and went to walk back out.

"Wait five no" she nervously said and I turned around looking at her worried "I need you here, please, I don't want to do anything stupid." She begged, I felt bad, she's scared of herself.

we got her all cleaned up and we're now laying in bed. We didn't talk about the situation, we talked about other things like our future, where we think our sibling will be in 5 years, etc.

I wanted to talk about things that hopefully would get her mind off of what had happened, I want to keep her happy.

I did not know how to end this one I'm sorry

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