Crying (Aidan)

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I was peacefully sleeping by my husband Aidan's side until I heard crying, I turned towards my phone checking the time seeing it was 3:00 AM, Levi hasn't had the best luck sleeping, neither have I since i get up with him. I get up with him because Aidan's always super exhausted after work and need he's sleep since he's home late and goes to work early.

I started to uncover my self from the warm blankets to go attend my 1 yr old. Before I could I felt Aidan's hand grab my wrist.

"Love, where are you going?" He asked very tiredly not even opening his eyes.

"Levi is crying, I'll be back okay?" I said combing his hair to get him back to sleep.

I walked into Levi's room seeing him sitting up in his crib with tearing eyes.


"Hi baby." I said picking him up and going to the rocking chair.

After rocking him for about 30 minutes he was finally asleep again.

But of course it wasn't gonna be that easy, as soon as I placed him back in the crib he woke up again. This same routine went on for about an hour.

I was about to place Levi back in his crib, again. Until I felt to strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi darling." I said clearly tired.

"Hun, it's 5:30. Go to bed I'll take care of him." Aidan said getting ready to take Levi.

"But you have work in a few hours, it's one of the only days you can sleep in, get as much sleep as you can." I said rocking the baby slightly.

"I'll be fine, go back to bed." He said taking Levi and sitting in the rocking chair, but of course not before kissing my forehead.

I made my way across the hall to our bedroom, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


She finally went to bed like I hoped, usually she would've but up more of fight but I think she realized how tired she actually was.

She hasn't been sleeping much lately because of Levi, she doesn't like it when I get up with him because I need sleep for work, which understand but I feel terrible not being able to help.

I'm rocking our baby in our grey rocking chair, I looked out the window between the cracks of the blinds to see the sun starting to rise. I got up with Levi and went across the hall to make sure that the blinds were closed in me and y/n's bedroom so that it would stay dark for her.

Levi finally asleep, I think for good this time. I placed him back in his crab and gave him his favorite stuffy, a blue octopus.

I made sure the baby monitor was in and the blinds were closed and then turned off the lights, I left the door open a crack in case he started crying again we could hear him easier.

I went into our bedroom making sure not to wake
y/n and grabbed my phone walking back out.

"Hello, I don't think I'll be able to come in today." I said as my doctor answered his phone. "I've been puking all morning." I said, lie, I just want to spend time with my family.

Once my directed said that was fine and that I would just have to make it up I hung up the phone and walked back I it the bedroom.


I felt Aidan's bare chest hit my back as he climbed back into bed nuzzling his face in my neck slightly.

"Did Levi finally go to sleep?" I asked turning around to face him only to be met with his tired eyes.

"Yeah he did. Also I'm not going into work today, I'm too tired." He said

"Oh okay, that's fine." I said starting ti doze off again.

"Come on darling." He said gesturing to his chest, I laid my head on it immediately feeling comfortable under his warmth. He combed his hand through my hair as we both started to fall asleep.

Words: 705

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