Arranged marrige (Five)

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Everyone's 13 in this


Me and my sibling were required to go to a ball with my father, apparently the one hosting, William, was just as rich as father.

Reginald was gonna pick one of us girls to marry Williams son James.

Me and Five were nervous he was gonna pick according that five and I we're secretly dating. So we're Allison and Luther which made this situation worse, me and Allison were both in relationship and god knows dad wouldn't pick Vanya which means one of us was gonna loose a relationship.

Time skip~——————————-To the ball~———-~

We all walked down the ballroom stairs to approach the huge crowd before us.

Klaus and Ben went for the food, Allison and Luther approached some chairs, Vanya of course wasn't invented, surprise.  I was about to walk away until I heard some slow music turn on.

"Wanna dance?" Five asked

  "Of course." I answered

We both headed towards the dance floor until I saw Reginald glare at me and five.

"Dads not happy." I said

Five turned too look at our father.

"He's never happy." He replied

Dad started to approach us causing both of us the break apart.

"Y/n, can I speak with you?" He asked

"Sure." I said bluntly

He lead me to an older looking man and a young boy.

"Hello William, this is y/n the daughter I've talked to you about."

  "Hello y/n, it's lovely to meet you." William said reaching out his hand, I reluctantly shook it and made eye contact with his son.

"Oh yes, this is my son James, the one you'll be marring?"

"What?!?!" I yelled causing almost everyone in the room to turn to me, including five, I made eye contact with him and he immediately knew what was happening causing him to run over to me since he can't teleport in front of this many people.

"Five, this conversation does not include you." My father said.

  "I don't care. She can't marry him." Five answered, I gave him a warning look saying 'back off you're gonna piss him off.' But obviously he ignored it.

"Fine, security!" My father called as guards came and carried five away.

  "LET.ME.DOWN!" Five yelled trying to get out off their grip, he was about to teleport but I shook my head no at him and told him I'd be fine.

"Would you like to dance My lady?" James asked. I saw my dad staring me down from the corner of my eye.

"Of course." I said and put in the best smile I could

Time skip~—————————~End of the ball~——~

  "So Reginald, are we sure she is the one." William asked my father.

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