You Saved Me (five)

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Me and my ex boyfriend, Matt, broke up about 5 moths ago. My best friend Klaus has been helping me through it, i know the break up had to happen, he was abusive towards me and would often hit me. When I broke up with him he was livid, so I moved in Klaus for the time being. 

I knew of this Umbrella academy but didnt really pay attention to it. It's a pretty cool place, its huge, I was surprised I got my own room, there's so many spare rooms in here.

I don't talk to a lot go Klaus' siblings, well except five, since me and him are around the same age we kind of just automatically became friends. Ive met his other siblings but im not the best of friends with them 

"y/nnnnn, lets goooo." Klaus whined 

"where Klaus?" I asked picking out my outfit for the day

"anywhere, im bored." he plopped down on my bed with a sigh

"I just want to stay in today, I was thinking about going and swimming a few laps at the pool if you want to come?" I asked, ive been putting my mind onto to something else in order to get Matt out of my mind, that something was swimming. 

I heard my phone buzzing and when I went to pick it up it was a random number, Klaus saw I had a phone call and left the room.

I hesitated to pick it up since it didnt recognize the number but I figured I should incase its something important 

"hello?" I asked

"y/n." a dark voice said, I didnt recognize the voice.

"who is this?" I heard a creak outside my door and turned to see five leaning on my door frame

"that doesnt matter, we need to talk." the voice said, five could tell I was nervous and took the phone out of my hand

"who is this?" he asked 

The phone hung up, im assuming it was because I wasn't the one talking anymore. 

"y/n who was that?" five asked

"I- I don't know." I said, I had a feeling it was Matt, but five didnt know about him. 

"ok, let me know if he calls you again okay?" five brushed my arm and then left the room. 

I decided to go to the local pool to get some laps in, mainly to distract myself. I picked out my favorite swimsuit and then texted Klaus where I was going. 

When I got to the pool it was empty and I was going to be the only one there, which I would actually prefer. 

I did a few laps and was now on my last one, but when my head came out of the water mid lap I saw someone watching me. 

I immediately turned around in the pool racing for the other side. I head splashes behind me telling me the person jumped into the pool.

I got to the other side and when I went to pull myself out, I got halfway out when I felt a hand grab my hair and pull me back in.

I cried out in pain but my screams got muffled by the water, I then got lifted out of the water only for the side of my face to be slammed on the concrete. I felt pain spread all around my face, mu head then got wrenched back. I thrashed around in the persons grasp trying to escape.

I was crying making It hard to see but I could make out that it was matts face, I tried to scream but when I went to do so I was forced underwater.

I quickly shout my mouth so I wouldn't breath in water, I needed air, I could only hold my breath for so long. I can feel darkness filling up my vision, it almost took up everything before Matt released, I immediately shot upwards getting a breath of air, I looked up being greeted with matts face. 

"miss me?" he asked with a twisted grin on his face, he quickly grabs my hair again and shive me back under, im too tired to fight back, I tried but it was pointless.

I can't breath, I feel my chest tightening and my lungs burning, but if I breath ill drown. But my throat burns, I need to breathe, I was clawing at matts hand, digging into his skin but it seems to piss him off even more, he shoved me down harder. I knew I was going to die, and I knew he was going to enjoy it. 


"hey Klaus, have you seen y/n?" I asked, I searched her room, and all around the house and she's not here, I wanted to ask if that number had called her again. 

"uhh yeah, she texted me." he grabbed out his phone going through his text. "she's at the pool" he said going back to talking to ben 

"when was that? when she texted you?" I asked

"uhh, about 2 hours?" he said, why would she swim laps for two hours?

"ill be back." I told Klaus before blinking out to the car and driving away 

I eventually got to the pool noticing only two cars, y/n's and one I didnt know. 

I was making my way into the main pool room noticing there was literally no one here, not even workers. 

I heard a lot of splashing and when I walked to the sound I saw a man, holding someone underwater. 

I ripped off my suit jacket, unbuttoned my shirt and immediately jumped in the pool. 

I managed to pull the man away from whoever he was growing, I was nervous when I saw the other person didnt come up. 

The man started to fight me, but im obviously better than him. After trading a few punches I blinked him outside, I slammed his head against the wall of the building knocking him out. 

I blinked back inside the building to help the other person, when I jumped back into the pool I pulled the person up and was horrified to see it was y/n.


Five pulled y/n out of the pool as fast as he could, he started to do chest compressions, after about two or three he did mouth to mouth 

"come on y/n, come on." he mumbled over and over after her body had no response. 

After a few minutes she started to cough up water, five helped her sit up as she coughed. 

"oh thank god." he mumbled, she turned to him with a jump and he put his hands up in defense "its just me, its just me." 

"did-did you-"

"its ok, he's gone, you don't have to worry about him." five said, y/n immediately jumped into fives arm crying, he petted her wet hair ring careful not the snag any tangles. 

Five managed to get her to stand up and they walked over to her things and got her towel, five wrapped her up and guided her outside to the car.

Five had so many questions, who that was, why he would do that to her, but now was not the time to ask.

They drove home hand in hand in a comfortable silence.

Five slept in y/n's room on the floor for about 2 months because she was too scared to sleep alone. 

Eventually the two just started sharing a bed, they kept saying it didnt mean anything but they were both growing feelings.


Inspo from a Tik Tok:ChasingBookBros

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