Dads Money(Five)

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TW: slight mention of r@pe

me and Klaus were chilling it the kitchen, he was telling me about Dave and how much he wants to see him, I would've really like to meet Dave he sounds like a wonderful person.

"He had these eyes that I would get lost in constantly." Klaus said

"He sounds lovely Klaus." I said smiling, this is the first time I've seen Klaus truly happy without drugs

"Yeah, how's your injury by the way?"Klaus said, I had an injury kinda like Allison, it made me unable to use my powers for a while.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "I swear if it's this gangsters again I will karate chop them." Klaus said chopping through the air.

"Gangsters?" I asked

"Yeah, they've been showing up for the past month or so because apparently dad owed them money but since he's dead they never got it." Klaus explained.

"I'll handle it Klaus, no need to karate chop them." I said laughing as I made my way to the door.

"Good luck!"

I opened the door to see 3 grown men with mask on and wearing all black.

"May i help you?" I asked

"We're looking for the big man Hargreaves." The first man said.

"You haven't heard? He sadly passed so" I started to close the door "I'm afraid I can't help yo-"

The second man put his foot in the door making it unable to close "We'll let ourselves in then." The second man said.


"Fiveee." I said as I walked into the living room.

"Yes Klaus." He stated annoyed

"Y/n is handling the gangsters again."

"She can handle them easily." He said not even looking at me

"Are you sure? I mean she doesn't have powers." Luther said


"Are you sure? I mean she doesn't have powers." Luther said

"And? She still trained with us all her life, not just powers but actually fighting. If she needed help we would know." I said

"I suppose." Said Klaus

There was a moment of silence before we heard yelling.

"LET GO OF ME!" Y/n.

"Shit." I said blinking away.


"You really don't need to come in." I said as they tried to walk through. One man picked me up and threw me across the room, curse this small 14 yr old body.

I stood up and immediately leaped into action kicking him in the chest causing him the fall backwards. The two other men charged at me attempting to ouch me a few times until I saw one if Diego's daggers and stabbed one of them in the calf.
The other helping his friends stand up.

All three of the men came up to me and two held me down by my wrist. I tried to yell until they covered my mouth tears started to run down my face as I felt my body go numb. I just need someone, anyone to walk downstairs. They could hear my muffled screams causing them to laugh, I finally had the courage to bite the mans hand so he would let go.

"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled. Not even a second later I heard five blink into the room, he saw the situation and I could see how angry he got. He blinked away again and showed up with an axe coming up to the man holding me down slicing his head.

The two men backed up afraid of him. Five approached them cutting them both, surprisingly five didn't get a lot of blood on him. He calmed down his breathing and the immediately ran to me as I sat in the floor with tear stained cheeks.

"Hey hey hey, y:n you're okay now okay? You're okay." He said pulling my back into his chest and checking the bruises on my wrist. "No ones ever gonna hurt you again okay? I promise, I fucking promise." I could hear him slightly tear up, I turned around so I could face him.

"Thank you." I sobbed into his chest.

she fell asleep in my arms so i decided to carry her to bed. If anyone ever did that to her I'd kill them and bury them myself, I couldn't imagine what would've happened if I didn't get there in time.

I placed her down in our bed and laid down next to her facing away thinking she might just want some space right now. She turned me around and laid her head on my chest making me smile lightly knowing that she trusted me.

Words: 774

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