Where were you? (Aidan)

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   It was Friday night, I was making dinner while Aidan was in the living room playing with Our son, Levi. My heart filled with joy as I head their little giggles coming from the living room.

I took the pasta off the stove scooping it onto their plates.

"Aidan! Levi! Dinners ready." I laughed as I heard their footsteps running towards the kitchen.

  Aidan came up hugging me from behind and kissing my neck. Levi sat down and waited patiently for Aidan and Me.

Near the end of dinner Levi stood up and took his plate to the sink. Which me and Aidan were very proud of as we were trying to teach him his manners.

"So y/n, I keep forgetting to tell you that I'm gonna have a boys night tomorrow night, is that okay?" Aidan asked as I grabbed my plate and put it in the sink.

"Yeah of course, who are you going with?" I asked

"Just some work friends."

———————~time skip~———~next day~————

  I woke up around 8:30 this morning so I could start breakfast. While I was making breakfast Aidan came down already dressed for the day, which was unusual for him.

"Where are you going my love?" I asked still focusing on the food.

"Boys day, remember?"

"I thought that wasn't till tonight." I asked turning around and putting the eggs on Levi's plate.

"Oh, plans changed." He said grabbing his keys and kissing me in the cheek goodbye.

I immediately knew something was wrong as usually he would kiss me on lips, or even at least say I love you.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Levi waking downstairs.

"Good morning mommy." He said as I handed him his plate

"Good morning hun."

"Where's dad?"

"Umm, dads with his friends right now, do you want to play with any friends today?"

Levi continued to talk as I zoned out again thinking about why Aidan left so early.

———————~Time skip~——————~that night~—

I put Levi to bed, 5 hours ago, it was now midnight and Aidan still wasn't home. I didn't want to think that he was cheating but what else could I think?

As I started to tear up slightly I heard the front door open and Aidan's footsteps coming upstairs. He walking into our bedroom seeing me on the bed crying.

"Y/n? Why are you still awake darling? Why are you crying? What happened?" He said concerned as he sat down next to me.

"Where were you? It's midnight, you've been gone all day."

"I meant to call yo-" he said but I interrupted, I felt anger inside of me rise as I kept thinking if he cheated or not

"Where were you. We're you with another girl?"

"Yes, we'll no- wait no."

"What? Are you serious! You were with another girl!"

"Y/n wait, it's not what you think, I have a good explanation to this."  He said as I stood from our bed

"I'm sure you do." I said starting to cry.

"Y/n wait, please sit down, please, don't leave me please, I have an explanation."

"You get one shot." I said not sitting back down

"Okay, yes I was with a girl, but it's not what you're thinking."

"Then why were you with her."

"Because I spent the whole day house hunting, for us, so that we can move out of this house, buy a nicer one, in a good school zone for Levi, a good neighborhood, a good area. I got home so late because I'm the drive home I was exhausted and pulled over for a short power nap which ended up taking a lot longer than expected. This was suppose to be a surprise that why I said it was a boys night." He explained tearing up slightly.

"Really?" I asked sitting back down next to him grabbing his hand.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I should've talked to you about it first but-"  I interrupted him by kissing him, he's loosened up not even realizing he was tense.

"I should be the one apologizing, I assumed that you were cheating and-"

"Stop." He said interrupting me. "I probably would've thought the same thing, it's okay."

—————————-~Time Skip~——————————~

After we sorted everything through we laid in our bed together until we heard a slight knock on our bedroom door, Aidan stood up with me already missing the feeling of his chest against my back. He opened the door revealing Levi who was crying saying he had a nightmare.

We all bundled up together on our bed and fell peacefully asleep.

Words: 771


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