Separation Anxiety

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I kissed my husband's pouting lips as I grabbed my suitcase. I had to go away for Mikasa's birthday party. She refused to let me bring Levi with me because she said and I quote, "I already see my annoying little brother enough, can't we go out without him for once." I know it pissed Levi off that he couldn't come with me and he did everything in his power to try and make me stay.

~Last week - Monday~

"Eren please! I need you here. I can't take Captain and Titan to the vet alone, you know I can't bear to watch the veterinarian give them their shots. I need you here," he stared up at me with puppy eyes, hugging Captain and Titan to him.

"Levi, I'll be back for their appointment," I said and he growled, getting up with the pets and walking off. I could hear him mumbling about something under his breath.


Levi ignored me all day, only speaking to the pets. I wanted to die, I hate when he does this. I know he's trying to guilt me into staying but I need to be with Mikasa, I missed her birthday last year to be with him so it's only fair. "Levi, please stop. I'm only going to be gone for a week. I've bent over backwards for you many times before but I'm staying strong this time. I am not missing this, I mean it," I left no room for discussion and walked off.


"Eren, I need you to stay with me, I broke my foot," Levi says, making his presence known as he walks into the living room. "No it isn't. That is by far your worst lie," I said, not even bothering to look up at him. I heard a crash and bang come from the kitchen, my head whipping around to see Levi hop from the kitchen. "It is now," I gave him a look of belief and ran over to him. It showed on his face how much pain he was in. "We need to go to the hospital right now," I picked him up and took him to the car sighing.

~Friday - yesterday~

"Please, take me with you!" Levi sobbed, gripping my leg from his position on the couch. I resisted the urge to sigh and finished propping his foot up on some cushions. "Listen Levi, I can't. I have to respect what Mikasa wants. How about for your birthday you and I go away for a week, just you and I. We won't have company like normal, we won't have Mikasa arguing with us for wanting to end the night early so we can have our alone time," I suggested and the raven gave me an interested yet reluctant look. "Promise?" He asked, looking into my eyes and daring me to look away. I held his gaze and pressed our foreheads together, "I promise."


I don't know why he's still being all whiny when we came to an agreement. I mean, I do know why but I like to tell myself that he would be fine here without me. Levi had some separation anxiety, everyone he's ever cared about seems to have either died or removed him from their lives. He has a bit of a fear that if I leave for longer than a couple hours a day than I won't be coming back. I try to be patient, I would be the same but we've been working on him being more independent so this is the perfect opportunity for him to work on being alone. I'm not going to be gone too long, just long enough for him to work on it. I don't plan to stay the whole week if he seems to become self destructive when I call before bed.

"Bye baby, I won't be gone too long. You should take this time to be with your friends. Love you," I opened the door and heard him mumble 'I love you too'. I left and was greeted by Mikasa pulling into the driveway with some of our other friends in the truck with her. I got in and looked to the window where Levi stared out behind the blinds, arms crossed and eyes locked on Mikasa.

~ A few day later~

Everything was going great. Mikasa picked a small island resort to have her birthday and it was nice to be out in the sun for a change. It's been really rainy at home so this is a welcomed change. I tried calling Levi every night before I went to be but he never answered. I'm worried but I know he's probably just ignoring me. I was lying on a towel with the sun blaring down on me when I was nearly hit with a volleyball. I turned my head to see an all too familiar brunette running toward me, her arms waving as she smiles.

"Hey Eren! I didn't expect to see you here!" She shouts and I tossed her the ball. "Neither did I," I say under my breath and watched her run back to her spot on the other side of the beach. I shrugged it off and turned so I was on my back again, listening to the ocean and the sounds of other people talking.

"Eren! What is my brother doing here!?" I heard Mikasa shout. I sat up and gave her a confused look, "He isn't. I left him at home." "Come with me," she roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the other side of the beach, stopping and pointing at an area close to the water. Hanji, Erwin, Isabel, and Levi were all there. Hanji and Erwin were hitting a volleyball back and forth, Isabel was building a sand castle a little ways away from them, and Levi was lying on a lounge chair, sunglasses on and reading a book.

We both went over and Mikasa roughly yanked the book from Levi's hand and pushed the chair over. Isabel got up and stomped over, "What the fuck?! What is wrong with you?!" She shoves Mikasa and helps Levi up, asking if he was okay. "Mikasa, take a walk," I said and went up to my raven haired lover.

"What are you doing here baby?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him. I missed him so much, it felt like I was missing a piece of myself. "You said I should spend time with friends so we got on a plane and here we are," he smirked, knowing I couldn't deny anything. "I forgot how creative you can be when you want to," I said and kissed him. I was really happy to have him back in my arms. Maybe I developed a bit of separation anxiety after being with him every day, all the time.

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