My boyfriend's sister hates me

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Eren pov

"Babe, do I have to?" I whined, Levi was dragging me to his house. I don't get along well with his older sister, Mikasa Ackerman. "It will be fine Eren" Levi says opening the door to his house. "I'm home!" he calls out and his mom walked into our view. "Hey Eren, welcome home Levi" she says sweetly. "Hi Kuchel, it's been a while" I said giving her a hug. "It has, I was worried you were no longer with Levi" she says. "I didn't plan on leaving him but now that you say that" I joked. "Be quiet Eren" Levi says, glaring over at me. I took his hand gently and kissed it, "you love me to much to leave me" he mumbles. "Yeah, you're right" I said holding his hand tightly when I heard the door to a car close, Mikasa is home. "Great" I mumbled sitting on the couch with Levi on my lap. I pulled him back so his back was pressed against my chest. Mikasa walked in and glared at me right away. "Don't touch my brother" she growled walking over. Levi was zoned out like always, he goes to his own world when we fight. "He's my boyfriend, I can hold him if I want to" I said. She pulled Levi from me and put him on the chair across the room from me, Levi paying no attention to our little fight. "Levi deserves something better then you. I'm in your classes, I know how you act and how you fail most of your tests" she said.

"So? There called imperfections and everybody has them" I defended. "Then you must have millions of imperfections because nothing you do is right" she said a little louder this time. "I do have a lot of imperfections but so does Levi. We both look past those because we love each other the way we are. You have millions of imperfection too" I said. She's pissing me off big time, she never has anything nice to say to me. Levi snapped out of his daze and looked around wondering how he ended up in the chair. he got up and walked over to me, sitting back down on my lap and wrapping my arms around him. Mikasa stomped upstairs, Kuchel running after her saying they needed to talk. Kuchel would never get between our fights because in the end she would side with her daughter. I nuzzled my face into Levi's neck, moving so I could lie down. I was on top of Levi with my face in his neck, kissing gently at his pale skin. Levi ran his fingers through my hair as I did so. This was what our afternoons were normally like no matter where we are. Levi and I had a schedule that we follow but being here with his stupid sister makes it harder. I haven't done anything to her but she's very over protective of Levi, because he's her little brother. I understand that but she shouldn't act like she knows who her brother should date and who he shouldn't date, Levi's a person, he should be able to make that decision by himself.

He isn't her baby brother anymore but she seems to be having trouble respecting that. There are times where Levi acts like a child but we all do, sometimes you need to though. "Hey Eren, do you hate Mikasa?" Levi asked and I sigh. he asks all the time. I flip us so he's on top of me and say, "no baby, she's just trying to protect you. All siblings act protective of their younger siblings." Levi nodded putting our foreheads together, his eyes closed and his breathing calm. "Do you want to talk to about something babe? I can tell you want to say something" I calmly say. "Can you go have an actual conversation with my sister? Please, for me" he says. I smile and lifted the raven off of me and placing him gently on the couch. He turned the TV on and I walked upstairs passing Kuchel, slowly I entered Mikasa's bedroom. "What are you doing here?" she snapped closing her laptop as soon as I entered the room. "Look, I'm not here to fight. I'm here because Levi asked me to come speak to you, I'm only here because of him" I said walking in and closing the door, sitting on the bed. "Why?" she asked with a rude look on her face as she stared at me like I was dirt. 

"Because we are both important to him and he doesn't like having to zone out every time I come over. Why do you hate me anyway?" I asked, she didn't answer just looked away and glared at the wooden floor, Levi did that sometimes. "I just want to make Levi happy so stop acting like you love him. Everyone is always using him like he's a toy, I'm sick of it" Mikasa says harshly, clenching her fists. "I do love Levi, I'm not using him like others have" I said, I know that tons of people have used Levi so it's not surprising she's so protective. "Yeah right, that's what they all say and then they crush him afterwards" she argues. "I would never do anything like that to Levi" I said getting up and leaving the room knowing I wouldn't be able to get her to believe me. "Sorry Levi. I really tried" I said lying down on top of my baby again. "It's okay babe, I know you tried" he says trying to hold my hands down but I stopped him. I pulled his shirt up a little and laid on his stomach. He struggled a little but gave up and just let me lay there. Levi didn't like when I did this because it put's weight on his stomach and I always lift his shirt up. I only do that because the clothing he likes to wear is uncomfortable to me and I can't stand lying down on his clothing his horrible, besides his skin is so soft.

"I swear Eren, this is really uncomfortable you know" Levi says but I ignored him. "It's comfortable for me, love" I said back wrapping my arms around his slim waist. "I'm surprised you have the guts to do this when Mikasa is in the house" Levi says resting his hands on my head. "She doesn't scare me" I said and Levi started laughing loudly, it was nice to hear his laughter but he was laughing at me. "It's not funny!" I shouted attempting to cover his mouth which was quite a challenge. "I'm sorry but it really is. You're obviously afraid of her" Levi says. "You're just joking. You know Im not afraid" I say kissing his stomach. "Oh really, then let me call her" Levi says sucking in a breath and I panicked. I wasn't scared of her, I just panic because poor Levi and Kuchel have to tune us out. "Baby please don't. I just want to lay here and not be pulled off of you and thrown into a yelling fight" I whispered feeling his body tense underneath me. I just need silence right now, I feel at peace and sadly the devil herself came down the stairs. I tightened my grip on Levi and he gently stroked my hair. "Hey Mika" my love says and Mikasa hums, walking over and sitting across from us, not saying a thing. I gave her a confused look and she just looked away, ignoring my questioning look. "I'm sorry Eren, for hating you. You are the right person for my baby brother" she says. I smile and cuddle my face into Levi's tummy, finally my boyfriend's sister likes me.

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