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Ex-Criminal Levi x Cop Eren

"Eren, we need to go already!" Erwin yells and I sighed. Catching criminals is so boring now, none of them think. I got in the police car with him and said, "Who is it this time?" "Just a simple robbery, we were told to go so that's why we are on our way" Erwin says. I rolled my eyes at his words, there was only one criminal that actually thought when he committed his crime. "This is so stupid! I could be at home with my family but instead I'm out here catching a petty thief" I complained. "I know Eren, I would like to be home too. Anyway, how is your husband Levi?" Erwin asked. Okay pause, I'm going to quickly explain my past. So Levi was to be arrested when he was very young. I first met Levi when I was 15, I'm 30 now so it's been 15 years. I was an officer in training at the time, while I was growing up you can get a job whenever you want. Anyway, an alarm went off in the police station, Erwin and Nile grabbed me and brought me with them. We drove to a shop near the station and went into an alleyway. Witnesses said this was the where the criminal went and the person we were looking at was not what we expected. 

It was a short boy who looked my age with long raven hair, silver eyes, and dirty, bloody clothing. Erwin and Nile pulled their guns out and aimed them at the boy but he didn't show fear or nervousness, it was like he wasn't even alive. I didn't know if he was alive or not, he didn't move or show any signs of moving, he just stayed kneeled on the ground. "No don't!" I shouted when Nile was going to shoot. I ran infront of the boy with my arms outspread, I don't know why I felt such a connection with this boy. "Eren move" Erwin said but I refused and gently pulled the boy's frail body into my arms protectively. I didn't want them to shoot someone so young who did something for self-defence and in his eyes is nothing but what seemed like he was lost not physically but mentally. "Shoot me" I heard the boy whisper into my ear, his voice ruff but soft, I could feel tears on my shoulder. My eyes widened and I shook my head, "I will not shoot you." "Eren, if he's asking to be shot he clearly needs mental help" Erwin says but I ignore him. "I'll take care of him" I said and that was how we met. I took care of Levi for a few months before realizing I fell in love with him along the way. I learned over those few months that Levi killed 4 people who broke into his apartment and tried to rape him which triggered memories of his mother who was raped infront of him. 

Levi and I married 5 years ago and I was practically squealing the whole time because my friends managed to get Levi in a wedding dress. We have a 3 year old daughter and we use to know her actually parents, her mother when she gave birth didn't have the time or money to take care of her so she was going to be put up for adoption but I asked if I could keep her. Levi wanted a child anyway and it would save the poor child from going to an orphanage so her mother agreed and thanked me. People in town who remember the incident from 15 years ago still want Levi in jail, lots of people witnessed Levi's murders. He was put in jail but it was for a week and he was only there because I needed some time to make a place for him to stay in my house. I will never allow anyone to put Levi in jail for something he did to protect himself, it felt wrong to put him in jail at age 15. 

Anyway, Erwin's question was easy to answer. "He's doing okay. Aren't you glad you didn't shoot him all those years ago?" I asked and he nodded. "I'm just glad you're happy, you use to bitch about everything and yell all the time" he joked. "Look, let's just catch the thief so I can go home" I said getting out of the car. Erwin followed and we walked into the store that was robbed. After talking to the store clerk we found out that this was all a trick to see if they actually sent cops to check the scene. The store clerk was a teen so it should have been expected but I'm pissed. I was called out of my home, out of my bed, and leaving my lover alone with our daughter at 5 in the morning! FOR NO REASON!!! I stomped out of the store and dragged Erwin along with me. We got in and I told Erwin to drop me off at home. It's still early and I would like to sleep a little longer. Erwin stopped at my house and I quickly got out of the car and to the front of the house. I quietly opened the door and took my shoes and coat off. I tiptoed upstairs and into me and Levi's bedroom. I grabbed pjs and changed out of my cop uniform as quietly as I could, leaving the uniform folded on a chair. I got back into my bed with Levi and gently wrapped my arms around him. "Mmm, Eren?" Levi mumbles sleepily, his eyes slightly opened but not much. "Shh, go back to sleep babe" I whispered into his ear, holding him close to me. He rolled over and I fell asleep with my raven cuddled into my chest. 

I was awoken by our daughters, Maria, crying and got up, careful not to wake my sleeping beauty. I went to Maria's crib and picked her up, taking her downstairs to the kitchen. It was almost 9 am so I had to get up anyway. "Let's make mommy his tea" I said carefully holding my daughter with one hand while the other started making Levi's tea. I don't have to go to the police station until this afternoon so all morning I can spend with my family. Levi says he'll be happy when Maria starts school next year, he plans on getting a job so he isn't just sitting around all day. He's probably going to work at a book shop or the local library because he loves reading. "Eren! Cellphones ringing! It's really annoying!" My raven shouts from the top of the stairs. I put Maria down on her chair and went towards the stairs. Levi stood at the top, leaning over the railing, dressed in his boxers and my t-shirt. He was holding my phone in his left hand with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. "Thanks baby" I said, taking my ringing phone from Levi's pale hand. "Hello" I said and was greeted by my mother. "Hello Eren, I just wanted to call and catch up on a few things since I can't visit this weekend" she says. "Okay, that's fine" I said and the phone was taken from my hands. Levi walked past me with the phone pressed against his ear as he talked to my mom.

I rolled my eyes and chased after him, trying to get my phone back. "Levi give it back" I said almost catching him. Maria laughed and said, "I want to play." I placed her on the ground and we set out to find my husband. He stood in the bathroom putting his toothbrush back and still talking to my mother. I quickly went behind him and grabbed him by the waist, tickling his sides. His laugh was so beautiful and I could hear mom laughing at the commotion she could hear. "Bye mom" I said an ended the call, going back to tickling my lover. "Eren please stop" he says between laughs, Maria laughed and clapped her hands telling me it was funny. I kept tickling Levi until we ended up on the floor with Levi breathing heavily any lying on my chest. Maria laughed and said, "you guys are silly." Soon I heard footsteps and Erwin stood in the bathroom doorway, staring at the scene infront of him. "Eren, we need you" he says backing away and leaving out view. "Sorry babe, I have to go, bye Maria" I said lifting Levi off of me and kissing his nose, giving Maria a hug. I left with Erwin and when I returned later that day Maria came running up to me saying, "mommy's sick."

I ran upstairs to see Levi sitting on the bathroom floor puking and saying, "I either have food poisoning or Hanji actually poisoned me." "Hanji?" I asked, I'm so confused right now. "Hanji came while you were gone and made me eat some weird food and now I think I'm dying" he says. "You aren't dying. Your body just doesn't like what Hanji gave you so it's getting rid of it" I said rubbing his back. Maria, Levi, and I just sat in the bathroom for hours with me telling Maria the story of how Levi and I met for the millionth time and she enjoyed every second of it. Poor Levi was sick all week and poor me because I couldn't kiss him at all over those days.

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