Chapter 12: Night Two

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It's so silent in this arena that all I can hear is the sound of crickets, snakes, and the faint sound of other tributes footsteps. I hear the Panem anthem again, but this time the fallen only says 14 tributes remaining. Only ten have died so far within the span of two days, about to be three. I feel cold metal on my throat. "Why'd you kill her?" A voice asks. "Why'd you do it? She just wanted to survive." Then I realize that it was Ash's voice. "I had to kill her. She tried to get me killed." I said. "That was my sister. Now I have no siblings. Fortunately you can suffer the same fate as the other fallen tributes." I close my eyes as I feel the blood slowly coming out of my throat. I hear a thump just as Ash falls to the ground. I turn around and see Jasmine. I run and hug her. "I was worried where you were. I've missed you!" I said with excitement. "What did you do to Ash anyway? He's not dead. The cannon didn't go off." I said. "I hit him with a tranquilizer dart. He'll die if he overdoses with it. But since he'll most likely give us a chance at survival we'll keep him alive." Jasmine said. "But what if he tries to kill us?" I ask. "We'll be surrounding him if he tries anything. He won't over power us." Just as Jasmine had said this a pickaxe had just barely missed her head. It kept flying until it eventually came swinging back. I hear it puncture something, most likely a human. We turn around and see one of the six deadly tributes from District Twelve. She had the pickaxe in her eye. She fell to the ground, and after a few seconds the boom of the cannon sounded leaving thirteen remaining. We walk away from the body so the hovercraft can pick her up. We walk to the cornucopia where there is still lots of supplies and weapons. Though, I figure it might be a trap so not the best decision to go in the cornucopia. "Attention remaining tributes, each of you will get a certain disaster that you must avoid. It will only affect one of you each. May the odds be ever in your favor." A Game maker announced. I start sinking in the sand again. I thought it might've been the quicksand disaster but that wasn't the case. Jasmine and Ash weren't sinking but I was. "Rowan get out of here, now!" Jasmine yelled. I run to the Cornucopia clearing but I was still sinking. I climb onto the Cornucopia. I saw an explosion where Jasmine was standing. A cannon went off... . I just hope it wasn't Jasmine. Every part of the arena was making noise until it suddenly stopped. The arena went pitch black and I fell to the ground along with another tribute. My first thought was that I died but I still was breathing. I guess the only thing to do now is lay here until the night is over. There's twelve tributes left, I may have chance at winning this. But I'm still one of the tributes and I could get killed at any given moment...

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