Chapter 10: Night One

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It's completely night now. The gamemakers decided to make it extremely dark. I'm still laying in the cornfield just relaxing, mostly. That's when I hear the Panem anthem. I look up in the sky. It says the words the fallen. The first one is Glory. The second dead is Juniper. The third dead is Alex. Fourth dead is Liliana. The fifth is Shaylee. I feel she could have lasted a lot longer had I not killed her, but she was a competitor. Sixth is that unknown District Twelve female tribute that Juniper killed. Seventh is the unknown girl from twelve who killed Juniper. Eighth is the boy that I killed who was the first dead. Ninth is Matthew. Finally, tenth is Jack. The anthem stops and it shows how many tributes are left. It says fourteen. These games went by a lot quicker than I thought it would. I don't expect any deaths soon though. The only tributes from District Eleven left are me, Cedar, Jasmine, Sage, Joshua, Primrose, and Ash. So if there's seven of us there has to be seven of the District Twelve tributes. There's four boys and three girls from District twelve left. Two of those girls and two of those boys are what's left of the six deadly tributes from District Twelve, two died. So Dimond's the only good one left and there's Kolton and some other random boy. I hear a ringing sound. A pot is falling from the sky. A sponsor! I grab the pot. It's a tranquilizer gun with tranquilizer darts, though the darts are actually filled with poison that slowly eats its victim from the inside out whilst burning. It's excruciating pain. I've never dealt with it myself that's just what I've heard. There's also some bacon in there too. This probably isn't going to last a day. Like I said during the dinner a day before the games District Eleven does not get to eat anything they grow, and there's no animal products that we get to eat. I've already started eating the bacon because this whole time I forgot there's no water in this arena. I'm guessing it's time for me to go to sleep right now. It's not likely the Capitol will make anything happen tonight so might as well get some rest while I can. I'll try to find everyone else in the morning... if they'll be alive by then. But if I'm lucky there'll be no deaths.

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