Chapter 9: Day One

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I'm still in the cornfield not knowing where Jasmine, Cedar, or Sage are. I keep walking through the cornfield until I hear a noise. Juniper is surrounded by the five deadly District Twelve tributes left. One of the girls have a pickaxe and repeatedly stab her to death. Just then I hear a cannon. That's one. I hear another and another. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. I count eight cannons in total. Eight have died which means sixteen are left to play. I hope the Capitol is happy with the amount. I hear slithering and hissing. I get up out of the cornfield but then I start sinking into the ground. The same girl that killed Juniper sinks in the quicksand as snakes come and drag her down into the quicksand. Her hand is the only thing left until the snakes cover it. Yellow venom comes out of her hand. The snakes actually camouflaged with the corn. Their head was yellow and their scales were green. The girl's cannon goes off making it nine dead on the first day and fifteen left to play. I'm able to escape the District Eleven side of the arena. I run to the District Twelve side of the arena and run through the fog. I fall through the ground into a dark pit. It must be a coal mine. I don't trust this area, anybody can be hiding here. I keep walking through hoping to find one of my allies. I hear someone run in the distance. I make a smart choice and say nothing. They throw a pickaxe randomly. That's not Kolton or Dimond's technique of throwing a pickaxe. Chances are they have night vision goggles from a sponsor. The person throws another pickaxe really close to me. I start running toward where I fell. The sunlight is covered by the fog so I can't see anywhere to climb up. Another pickaxe flies above my head. I find what I think is a ladder. I grab the thing and start climbing up. My foot is grabbed but I kick the person in the face, I hear them fall. I reach the top of the arena and crawl out. I stay in the fog hoping to hear a cannon but I don't hear anything. I still can't believe there's still fifteen tributes left. I have fourteen others to deal with but since I have allies it's less than that. There was a complete twenty four at one point, alive and well, and now nine are dead. I watch my steps and walk through the fog. I'm able to get to the bright and sunny cornucopia to scavenge some things. I hear footsteps behind me. It's Ash and Liliana. They're holding sickles. I back up inside the cornucopia. Why did I decide to do this? It's only day one and we haven't even made it to half of the tributes yet. I get a sickle ready and run out the cornucopia. Ash grabs me and throws me to the ground. He tries to get the hook into my forehead but it ends up hitting the grass. I get up and try to run away but Liliana grabs my foot. "Do it now Ash." She says. I try to kick her but she has my feet pinned. Ash gets his sickle ready but Liliana loses her grip and I kick her in her throat. We're from the same District why are they attacking me? Since I kicked Liliana my feet are free. I get up and grab a scythe. I lift it up to Liliana. "No!" Ash yells. I bring the scythe into her neck. It kills her in one blow. I run away, not looking back. Her cannon goes off, making ten dead today. I go back in the District Eleven area and walk through the cornfield which seems like a maze. The fallen is going to be different this year. It's just going to be District Eleven and Twelve. There's only fourteen left for now so the Capitol should be happy with this. I haven't seen any sign of Jasmine, Cedar, Sage, Dimond, or Kolton. I know they're not dead. By now they've picked up the bodies of the bloodbath. Only seven died during the bloodbath with an additional three after the bloodbath. I get settled in the ground as the sun starts to set.

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