Chapter 3: Train Station

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I wake up when the train comes to a stop. We're probably at the station. I walk out of my room. "Cedar I'm nervous about this," I say. "It'll be fine and I understand why you volunteered." He says. I go to talk to Jasmine but a peacekeeper takes me out of the train. We walk in a line with the District Twelve tributes closely beside us. We're taken to a huge building that is a Capitol hotel. I'm taken inside and I freshen up again. District Twelve seems happy for the first time since I've seen them. A boy and a girl come over to me. "Hey I'm Dimond and he's Kolton." The girl named Dimond says. "We were wondering if we could be allies?" She asks. "Sure," I say. I look at Sage and he looks at me. "Hey, Sage I was wondering if you'd like to be my ally. I already have two Dimond and Kolton." I point at them. He nods his head. He's not much of a talker. There's a pair of scissors and I take it in my hand. Just so no one gets any ideas I'll make them think twice. I focus on the target by the wall. I aim the scissors at a picture frame of Leonel and I throw the scissors. It hits him right in his head and everyone jumps. Some of the District Twelve tributes nod their heads to show that they respect me. The older District Twelve tributes that are. Once everyone has freshened up peacekeepers come and escort us to a place with lots of suits and dresses. I'm taken by a peacekeeper though. He asks me to write down what I want in the arena. I write it down. It said; poisonous flowers and berries. I then realize what the Capitol has done. They want me to run to the cornucopia. I'm taken back and I see the suits. There are thousands of them but only one catches my eye. They're berries that look familiar. They don't grow in District Eleven but I recognize them. It's rowan berries which I'm named after. I take the suit and go to show Jasmine. "Jasmine I found a rowan suit," I say. She looks at it. "It's amazing, and look what I found." She holds out a dress with jasmines on it. It's bedazzled but it's not too noticeable. My suit is green and blue and is also bedazzled a little. I put it on and I feel great. Districts One and Two are being interviewed currently. Next will be Three and Four. This might take a while so I just sit and watch. Districts 3 and Four a finally done interviewing so now it's Five and Six. Five and Six are done, now Seven and Eight can go. They're done now Nine and Ten can go. Once they're done it's a District Eleven and Twelve. I walk on the stage and run to one of the Twelve District Eleven seats. King Flickerman is in the middle of us all. I'm closest to him and Cedar is next to me and Jasmine is next to him. He's holding cards for questions to ask the tributes. I take a glimpse of the first card. The question is for me. "Welcome Capitol to the interviews of the One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Annual Hunger Games!" King yells making me jump. "I am here with District Eleven and Twelve, the final two Districts for the games." He says. "Now let's ask the first question. Rowan, why did you volunteer after your brother volunteered for you?" King asks. I have a quick flashback to the reaping and where I am now. "I did that because both my parents were killed after they ate fruit, and if I didn't go with Jasmine and Cedar I would have been alone with no family." I say. The Capitol makes sympathetic noises. "The next question is for Kolton. Kolton is it true that your family died in a mine explosion?" King asks. "Yes it's true." Kolton says. He starts crying. This is already getting sad, boring, and depressing. I just tune everything out until the Capitol starts clapping. We all stand up and hold hands while the Capitol claps. I walk off stage and we're taken into another building. When I thought I'd have some rest after this I have to do more.

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