Chapter 4: Tribute Parade and Training Morning

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My interview clothes are taken and I'm put in my tribute parade clothes. It's a farmer's outfit. District Twelve is put in miner outfits. They're put on the same chariot as us. Not a chariot, it's more like a parade float. We wait for Districts Nine and Ten to be done with their parade so we can go. Once they're done our float starts moving. The Capitol starts cheering louder than they did with the other Districts. The float slowly moves and the Capitol starts throwing flowers. I catch one and I keep it. I wave at the Capitol as I sit on the float. Once we reach the end of the road we're taken inside to a training center so I'm guessing we'll be here a couple of days until the day of the games. When we go inside I'm given a training uniform. A gamemaker calls us all together to explain. "Tributes you will be here for three days. This is the morning you get to train, which is day one, and tomorrow you will train, and on day 3 you'll be evaluated privately and then given a score of 1-12 and whether or not you're a low threat, a medium threat, or a high threat." The gamemaker says. This is the only time all the tributes will be together. Other than that we'll be separated for the games. I'm still wondering how these games will turn out because District Eleven and Twelve are not fighters. I guess only time will tell. I go to the poisonous plants and berries area. There's a lady there. "Hi are you here to learn or test?" She asks. "Test," I say. She gives me a screen and there are ten questions. All the questions were easy and I ended up getting the highest score possible. I walk past the sickles and scythe section. The careers still watch me and snicker at me so I get upset and don't think. I grab a sickle and I slice the target's head off then its legs then its arms. I throw the sickle at a target farther back and it hits it right in the head. I take a scythe and spin it around me without cutting a single part of me. I throw the scythe at the target and it hits the chest. I walk away and someone taps my shoulder. It's Dimond and Kolton. "Hey, guys," I say. "Hi, Rowan," Kolton says. "Where are you going?" Diamond asks. "To the pickaxe section," I say. They get excited. "We can help you if you want," Kolton says. "Sure," I say. We all walk to the pickaxe section. There's a man there that runs the station and he shows me how to hold one. He teaches me how to swing and throw, I mean throwing the ax as a ranged weapon. As soon as I'm done it's time to go back into the hotel. Dimond, Kolton, and I walk into the hotel at the same time. They have to go to the District Twelve side of the room and I'm on the District Eleven side. I lay down in my bed and go to sleep for tomorrow's events.

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