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  • Dedicated to Ðavìd Bachmann


“I hoped, you could tell me.” Jim answers.

“What happened before I fainted?”, I wonder out loudly.

“Like I said, you swooned after Calisto left. God, he really is one gorgeous man.” I don’t hear what

else Jim’s saying about Calisto, for my memory comes back to me. I kissed him. No, HE kissed

ME. I have a date on Friday night. He’ll pick me up. Does that mean, I wont hear anything from him

till then? I’m incapable of more complicated sentences. Absorbed in my thoughts, I don’t realise

that Jim stops talking. Only when he shakes my shoulder, I snap out of my dreamlike state.

“Marivi? What’s up with you? Maybe we should let you get checked out in the hospital. First you faint,

and then you space out. There is definitely something wrong with your brain.” Jim states.

“Uhmm, sorry, I just remembered what happened before. “ I mumble embarrassed.

“’s okay, as long as you tell me now.” He smirks at me.

I don’t get much sleep this night for Jim is never satisfied, how many details ever I tell him. He

always asks me something else and so on. I’m almost glad for when he finally falls asleep on the

emergency mattress he put in my room. Exhausted, I turn to my side, waiting for sleep to come over

me. But it doesn’t. Too much happened just lately for my thoughts to get to a rest. I replay the time I

spent with Calisto over and over again. The last thing before I do drift to sleep I see, are his

unearthly green eyes. Are humans even allowed to have eyes like this?

Mmmm.... Coffee. That’s the first thing I become aware of, when I wake up. It smells much to

intensive. Like it was next to me. Careful, I slowly open my eyes, just to close them again the next

second. Jim’s face is less than an inch from mine and he smiles from ear to ear. No good sign.

Moaning, I turn to the other side. Worse, there is Jaden, his face mirrors Jim’s. What the hell is up

with these boys? I take a deep breath before I open my eyes again. Wait, why is my mom and dad

standing at the foot of my bed? Holding a big cake in their hands? Oh no, it’s not.. Can it be?


they all sing together. Well, more like, they scream excited.

“Thank you, how old am I?” I mumble, still confused that it is already my birthday again.

“You’re twenty-one, honey. Now you can go to America and do all the crazy stuff you always wanted

to do.” Jim teases me.

“Jim, you know I’ll only go there with you, so I have to wait another nine days.” I give back. Yeah, Jim

is only nine days younger than I am.

“Oh, sweetheart, you’ll have to take me there too, when I’m old enough.” Jaden demands.

“Course I will.” I promise him.

“So, Marivi, I don’t want to inerrupt your little birthdayparty, but you have to go to work so we can

prepare for tonight.” Mom interferes. Sadly, she’s right. Oh, wait, a birthday party? Tonight? Uhuu...

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